Introduction to Caidence

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Caidence POV:

Have you ever felt as though everyone you meet is judging you? Silently picking out all your flaws and staring at you?

I feel that everyday. I was diagnosed with Vitiligo at the age of twelve. I didn't mind it too much; I was comfortable in my own skin, both shades of it. It was the stares that made me uncomfortable. I felt as though I was some outsider. It wasn't so bad, there were a few really sweet people, telling me that the skin complimented my green eyes.

I feel like most people take notice of my hair before they even think about glancing at my skin. You see, I have brown hair, but by the age of 14 I had dyed it to a gradual brown to pastel pink ombre.

I know backstories can be boring, so feel free to skip mine...

At the age of 8 my father left to travel the world. His plane crashed just off the coast of Australia.

By the age of 9 I had a keen interest in soccer/football and had already joined a club.

By 11 I was one of the busiest in my family, sports one night, dance the next, 7 hours of studying the next night after that.

My eldest brother, Kenny, still lives at home and works in an auto-parts store even though he's 17.

My younger brother, Carter is at primary school still, as he is only 10. My mother, Sarah, works full time to try and support us as best she can.

I work in a small coffee shop a few blocks away, it's a nice escape from the world of exams and stress placed on my shoulders in bucket loads from my multiple coaches.

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