Chapter 5

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Manvi woke up with a start. She jumped up straight to a sitting position on her bed breathing heavily. It strangely felt like someone was calling her name, more like yelling her name. 

Might be a dream. She thought and rubbed her eyes and was about to look at her phone to see the time. Then she jumped again at the yells of her name being called. Someone was banging the front door of the mansion too, it seemed. All the ruckus at the front part of the mansion traveled swirling and echoing towards her room upstairs.

Manvi was confused as she sprang up from the bed. As far she knew, people hardly came this way at the direction of the mansion. Only Dabbu was her only companion here and he was inside the house already. Then, who might it be?

She glanced at the lantern to find it still lit. Rays of the rising sun was streaming inside her room through the open window along with the dewy smell and it's freshness in the morning. Living in a place away from the modern world and all it's latest technologies had it's advantages, the most beautiful ones. But she had no time to enjoy it right now, she thought with a frown and blew out the flame of the lantern. No need to burn extra oil.

As Manvi walked down the long corridor, passed the closed door of Dabbu's room and was making her way down the stairs... she felt like she knew this voice. The more she got closer to the large double door, the more she felt herself getting frozen and excited at the voice at the same time. 


It was him. She stood in front of the door with wide eyes. What was he doing here? He was supposed to be beginning his life happily without her presence. He was supposed to be enjoying and celebrating his freedom with Maya and his new child. She felt her eyes getting moist at the thought, The memory of Maya's voice in the phone that day made her heart ache in renewed vigor all over again. 

She placed one shaking hand on the door, right where Virat was knocking from the other side. Choking a sob, she caressed her thumb on the door. Why did he have to come here and make it hurt more? She recalled then, he resented her for the miscarriage, hated her for it. Did it mean he wanted to hurt her more than he already had? Did he not know she couldn't take it anymore? She was way too much broken to endure any of his hits anymore. Breathing heavily she shook her head while wiping her face off of tears. She would give him no more pleasure of seeing her hurt, of seeing her crying. 

Lowering her hands she gripped the age old, metal door handles. But probably, this was the closure she needed. The closure that would help her forgetting this man. Even the very thought of forgetting about Virat seemed strange, it was easier to forget about herself. 

The not so used bolts made screeching noises as she opened the door slowly, she heard Virat's yells cease into silence.

"Manvi." Virat was breathless. It felt like a decade had passed without seeing her... and now that he could he didn't want to blink for the fear of her disappearing in thin air. All his way to this mansion he had thought all about what he would say to her, how he would plead her to forgive him, to return with him to their home. Home that was meaningless and empty without her in it. But now that the moment had come for him to finally say all those things, he found his mind blank.

Manvi didn't mean to but she was stuck as if in time and space... and was staring at his face. Those eyes, that nose, his unruly hair ruffled up and giving him that rugged look... Manvi gazed at him just like she had that day, that moment when she first saw him. 

"Why're you here?" She whispered.

"Manvi..." Virat stared at her for a moment, dumbfounded. "Come back with me."

Manvi stood shocked. Why was he behaving like this? Suspicions grew in her, Virat was still not done breaking her, tormenting her. Just like she thought hearing him yelling for her earlier. 

"You hate me that much?" She looked at him with moist eyes.

Virat frowned not understanding what was she talking about.

Manvi lowered her head in disbelieve. "How more do you plan to break me Virat, how far do you want to see me broken? Are you not done yet?"

Virat took a step closer to her. "Manvi, it's not what you think." He went to touch her cheek but was shocked when she backed away with a determined look.

"No." Her voice was firm as she backed away from his uplifted hand. 

Virat gazed at her like a helpless man. The shadows under her eyes, unshed tears that she was trying to hide so hard - what had he done to the woman he loved! Damn, she was trembling. "I love you, Manvi."

"No, you don't!" Manvi snapped immediately. He had told her himself that he hated her. She had seen that hatred in his eyes. She heard it reflecting from his voice as he talked so venomously to her that night. He had proven it by cheating on her with Maya. 

A tear rolled down from eye. It was too difficult to face him and think about his words from that night. She turned around. Her back was facing her as she quickly wiped away that lone tear. "You hate me Virat. Don't you remember you announced it so passionately last time?" 

"Manvi, please..."

She cut him off, "Go back, Virat. I believe someone's waiting for you back home."

Without saying anything else and making sure to not look at him anymore Manvi twirled around to close the door on his face. That was the moment she let all those tears stored up and hidden from him flow in reckless abandon. With her body pressed against the door she slipped down on the floor, slumping there she sobbed in agony while Virat once again began banging the door from the other side. 

"I'm not going anywhere, Manvi. I'm not." His voice sounded beyond desperate. "Please, just listen to me, baby. Open this door, please." 

She zoned him out and closed her eyes tightly. But it wasn't enough to forget the fact that he was still there attempting to get her to not only open the door to the mansion but also to her heart. Though he very well knew both of that seemed quite impossible now.



Virat's hands were hurting but his heart did hurt more. He hit his hand one last time, soundlessly on the door. Resting his head on the dusty smelling wood, he squinted his eyes close in pain. He recalled her turning away from him, he recalled that tear that slipped off her eye. Her face were flushed in suppressed anguish. 

This was his doing. His own doing.

And he didn't know how to undo it, he even didn't have any idea if it could be undone. But he would be damned and a dead man if he went back to Chandigarh without her. He would fight for her till he breath last. 



That's it for now. I hope you all enjoyed it. :) Any idea about how Virat's going to make it inside the mansion and Manvi's heart? 

I was about to upload yesterday, you know. But was unable to for I got busy in some things, had a great day and a hectic one with a few troubles all at once. 

Please, please, please if you're reading this story and want to see me smiling... please vote and comment. That would really mean a lot. People who are voting and commenting, you guys are so sweet and awesome. Keep it up friends. Know that Lara loves you wonderful readers.

Take care till the next upload. Tada...

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