Chapter 6

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Standing there, under the large willow tree, Virat kept his gaze steady on the set of open windows of the huge mansion. He had been in that position since a couple hours now and didn't know how much more hours of this repentance and waiting he had in store ahead. He just knew that he could be there waiting under the willow tree, in sun, rain or cyclone... and til his last breath. Virat was determined to earn Manvi's forgiveness and by some miracle convince her to give him a second chance. And when he got this second chance, he was seriously going to worship this woman and make sure to lock all the doors of his home before going to sleep, he didn't want to keep any opportunity open for her of leaving him again.

Virat straightened up from his slightly bent up position again the bark of the tree. He stared intently at Manvi's face that appeared at one of the windows upstairs. She looked thunderous. God save him, his woman was mad. Virat internally grimaced. Virat tried giving her his most innocent look and was pretty expectant about what affect it would pull out, until it totally backfired when Manvi slammed the window close.

Virat cringed. His shoulders slumped as he sighed loudly and leaned back against the tree once again.



Manvi was stomping down the stairs all the while asking to herself why that man wasn't leaving. It was a well planned ploy of his. She came to the conclusion after much thinking. After that night in his drunken state he had made pretty clear about how much he hated her very being.

Not looking exactly where she was going, Manvi crashed into Dabbu.

"Ummpp" Squeaking at the force of the collision Dabbu fell back on his butt. The plate filled with cookies thundered down on the marble floor, the loud noise echoed around inside the whole mansion.

"What Manvi?" Dabbu groaned as he helped Manvi stand up too from the floor. "Those were the last of the cookies mother sent with us!"

"Dabbu!" Manvi shook her head in disbelief. "Mother had given us at least three jars of cookies, don't tell me you ate them all."

Dabbu grinned unashamedly. "Well, what can I say? Mother says, I'm a growing boy." He said imitating mother's voice.

Narrowing her eyes Manvi crossed her arms over her chest. "Then Dabbu, you need to have a grip on your -growing boy hunger - and get going to the village market right now. I have to start cooking some lunch and then make a few phone calls to do something about the electricity issue here." Manvi said looking at the time on her wrist watch. She was refraining herself from using her phone too often and saving it from being dead. Otherwise she would have to go to the village and charge her phone at some shop.

Manvi had a friend in the authority who could just help her about this whole electricity thing in the mansion. She would start with that. This property had great potentials, just a lots of repairing needed. Manvi thought with a sigh walking towards the kitchen.

"Is he your husband, Manvi?"

Manvi stopped on her track. She felt irritated at Dabbu for asking a question he already knew the answer of. He had after all seen pictures of their wedding when Manvi came to visit the orphanage people newly married. She was also feeling irritated at the memories of those days, when she had a life filled with happiness, her heart whole and glowing from the inside.

She turned her face a little to glare at Dabbu. "No, he's not."

Virat was leaning against the wall, right next to him was the kitchen window. It was opened wide and broken at places, he noticed how the old style window could be easily opened from the outside even if someone closed it. He discovered it was an advantage for him and also thieves and burglars. He scowled.

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