Chapter 11

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In her silky white nightwear Alayna walked down the corridor across the main hall. The material used to make this clothing was of a rare kind, Kairav gifted it to her just last week and had been requesting her to wear that repeatedly for his eyes to feast. She blushed at the memory of his looking at her so shamelessly. 

The corridor that she was walking down was a long one. Light, pleasant breeze was blowing her silky waist length hair along with her silky nightwear. She loved all of the windows of this mansion to be left opened. It gave her the feeling of being like a bird living in her nest. And it was in front of one of these opened windows of this splendid mansion Kairav build her, was the place where he proposed her. That was almost a month ago. 

She had a lantern in her hand that lit the path before her but the light didn't go the that far. The servants had probably forgotten to lit all of the torches on the walls. Alayna scrunched her brows at the darkness and a feeling crept up her spine. This disturbing feeling was not from this darkness... but something else. She felt like, something in the surrounding was wrong. The maids and servants, all were asleep and it was meant to be quiet. But this silence, it was just way too much. 

Stopping hesitantly for a while in front of the door she finally shook her head, mentally chuckling at her unreasonable suspicious or fearful state. Their were guards around the whole area. Kairav was overly serious about her safety. She still couldn't believe how such a handsome man and that too a prince happen to love her, so much! Amused she felt also at the infinite amount of love she also felt for him. Prince or no prince, he was the one for her.

Pushing open the door as her first step fell into the room, she felt goosebumps form all over her body. Her uplifted lantern shook as several masked men dressed in complete black came out of the darkness. They stood steady and rigid before her. She gasped in shock and fear. With her mouth agape she realized they were the kings assassins by their matching uniforms and the unmistakable seals on their swords and blades. 

She stepped back as they strolled closer to her, backing her like predators. She jumped slightly as her back hit a hard surface, her trembling balance made her lean backwards. Mismatched tune of the piano Kairav gifted her echoed across the silence. Her other hand loosened the hold of the lantern, it fell to the ground shattering into thousands pieces. The room however didn't fall dark, a few assassins who were standing by the walls behind all the others had torches in their hands now. They had entered afterwards as stealthy as snakes. 

Just a few seconds and with cold eyes two of the men raised their swords. Alaina knew what was coming next. Her heart broke at the thought of not getting to see Kairav one last time, so many things were left untold. A thousands of dreams would stay unfulfilled, wandering aimlessly inside the walls of this mansion hand in hand with the memories of their love and laughter.

As the swords came down, as reflex her hand flew above her face. With eyes squinted close she screamed that name one last time, that name which was written all over her heart and soul.





Manvi screamed springing up to a sitting position on her bed. Breathing heavily like she was in a panic attanck, Manvi wiped her sweaty forehead with her trembling hands. 

The door to her room burst open, Virat came in in full panic mode. Looking over towards Manvi and then left and right to see what had exactly caused that ear splitting scream of hers, he stormed towards her bed after seeing no object of suspicion. 

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