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 "When a fairy tale ends a new one starts. Close your eyes and say 'once upon a time' with me; who knows we may catch the beginning of a fairy tale which will bless us with a happy ending."

By T. Afsin Ilgar - Ted's Tale   


Manvi sat on the rocking chair with a smile of bliss on her face. Her one hand loosely was on an armrest while the other caressed on her very pregnant belly. 

She sighed hearing the door to their bedroom open softly. The person tiptoed inside the dimly lit room. 

"I'm not asleep Virat." 

She could almost see his smile when he spoke. "But you should be. You should save as much energy as possible, it's the last week."

The baby would be coming any moment now. And Manvi knew she should do as Virat said and have some sleep but today especially, she was feeling restless. In a good way.

"I just... feel so excited Virat." She opened her eyes sensing Virat kneeling beside her. One of his hand went around her waist to rub her lower back, that always gave her some relief from the constant back aches. 

He kept his other hand on her hand that was caressing their baby. "I know. I can't wait to meet her." His eyes supported his words, he looked desperate to meet his princess now.

They both grinned wide when the baby kicked beneath their joined hands.

Manvi chuckled. "I think she feels the same too."

That night soon after Manvi found Virat's wounded body by the river, the villagers came hollering and rescued them. They said Dabbu, who was badly beaten... somehow reached the village and asked for help. While Virat was taken to the town hospital immediately with extremely low  pulse rate, police arrived in the mansion and began their work. Several dead bodies were found in various places of the mansion. It was said their deaths seemed to be happened by some dangerous wild animals that might have come from the small jungle behind the mansion. Hence the investigation stopped awkwardly. However the villagers had different opinions that added to the myth of the haunted mansion. But one thing very strange happened in the village one day, a madman wandering around was laughing and saying to everyone he could that Kairav could finally cross the river, he was to take his bride now. Some of the superstitious villagers cheered at that while the others got irritated and drove the madman away.

Manvi and Virat, they finally came back to Chandigar. The construction work of the mansion started by experienced engineers and architects Virat appointed. But Manvi was banned to go there for the time being. Manvi didn't mind though, she just reveled in happiness of sharing a lifetime with Virat, of having a second chance at love and at the news of expecting a beautiful daughter.

"Ahhh!!" Manvi shrieked suddenly.

"Manvi! What's wrong?" Alarmed and in panic Virat stared at Manvi's pained expression.

"It's time." Manvi screamed as a contraction hit her. 

With the strange mix of panic and joy, Virat picked Manvi up in his arms. 



The nurse placed the little bundle of a wrinkly princess on Manvi's chest. Virat had his one hand around Manvi's shoulder and the other beneath Manvi's arm that held their daughter snug to her chest. 

"She's so... she's..." Virat trailed off in loss of words. His chest swelled with love and protectiveness for this little, beautiful girl.

Manvi didn't try to say anything at the moment like Virat. She just took in the lovely sight of her child and unknowingly tears rolled down her eyes. One of those tears fell on the baby's forehead. 

They both chuckled lightly when their daughter whined in a low tone while picking up a tiny, cute protest with her fisted small hands. Then she fluttered her closed eyelids and slowly opened them. All the breath escaped Manvi's lungs.

Hazel eyes, so familiar stared back at her. 

Manvi didn't know how long she had been staring at her daughter's eyes but she heard Virat ask, "What're we going to name our princess?"

She heard herself whisper, "Alayna."



Big smile! That was the epilogue friends. Tell me how do you feel about it? And let me know about your views about the last bit. I was so excited to write about the baby. Yes, it's a rebirth. Thought to give Alayna and Kairav a chance to find 'happily ever after' too. Kairav should be also there somewhere in one of your nearby hospitals... wrapped up in white and wearing a blue cap on his head while his parents are probably cooing over him. Don't forget to contact Lara if you succeed in locating that little Romeo who had once passed a long time under a tree waiting for his girl. ;) <3

Another important thing. Think hundred times before you kick out or away a madman, they sometimes make sense. Poor fellows!! 

And here ends my #JustWriteIt challenge. Phewww... It was really hectic. Finishing a story in 30 days which must have at least 10,000 words in it, is really stressful but fun I must say. Feeling so happy to be able to finally complete it. Thank Gosh!!! 

Vote, comment and share this story please if you've enjoyed reading it. :)

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Lots of love.
- Lara.

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