Chapter 13

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The night was so silent and the moonlight made it even more mysterious. Virat was walking silently with Raghu who wasn't even looking at him, forget talking. 

"How long do we have to walk? And why the hell the villagers wanted to meet me near the river in stead of in the village?" Virat was getting suspicious now. 

Raghu gave a one word platonic hum in response which didn't make any sense. Nothing was actually making any sense.

Virat gritted his teeth in annoyance. "Walk a bit faster."

No response, no change in speed. The annoyance in Virat's voice didn't make Raghu budge an inch. Looking ahead suddenly, Virat noticed that they had reached the river bank. But there were no one in sight. Raghu on the other hand was leading him even closer to the river motioning him now impatiently. 

Right when Virat was about to snap at Raghu and tell him to shove his little meet up and talk to the non-existent villagers up his ass and turn around to return to the mansion, he noticed three figures come out of the bushes. The newcomers were draped in shawls which had mainly black and grey colors on them, it was as if the reason of their such dress up was to get mixed up in the dark of the night. 

Their dressing, however, didn't make Virat narrow his eyes in alarm but the familiar pair of faces. The two men who were in the worker group in the backyard of the mansion that day who were lewdly staring at Manvi. Virat noticed the smug look on all of their faces. 

That was the moment Virat knew he had more than his own life to fear about now. 

River banks were hugely popular in rural areas as the most ideal location to kill. Virat was aware of this fact. It was easier to get rid of the dead body here, the waves of the river would carry the disposed body far away from where it was murdered. Great way to get away with murders and other relative crimes. 

Whatever Virat was feeling inside, the anxiety and uncertainty, he let it just stay there dormant inside him. It wasn't the time to show emotions. 

"What're they doing here?" Virat pointed a finger at the two pervs and watched their smirks increasing at his action. He glared at Raghu. "I asked you something." Virat thundered.

Raghu chuckled a little. "Vicky and Bill would just leave in second."

Vicky grinned at Bill. "Why won't we? Afterall that lone bitch in the mansion would be handed to us..." 

"After her father's done with her, of course." Bill completed with an equal lust filled grin.

Momentary shock immobilized Virat. Their words kept repeating in his head. 

Her father... Handed to us...  

Manvi!! He whispered her name. His eyes reddened in rage. He knew running away was impossible, the only way out was to fight these evils. Only one thing was revolving in his mind, boiling his blood - he needed to reach Manvi. Now. Or it would be too late.

As if sensing his transform and determination, Raghu motioned to the unknown man standing stiff beside Vicky and Bill. The man nodded and began fishing out a gun from under his shawl.

Virat had half a mind to all the other movements around him. He charged forward and held Raghu's collar, with his other hand he placed a punch in his face squarely. Vicky and Bill who had attacked him the very next moment cursing after Raghu collapsed, were the next ones to receive Virat's impatient hits. 

A gunfire echoed through the river side. A silent moment followed.

Virat felt something pierce through his back, right bellow one of his shoulder blades. He felt the pain and heard some laughter as shadows stood over her. He blinked to try and have a clearer look of his attackers face one last time. Last time? 

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