Love Is the Definiton for You.chapter one pic of cameron

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Hey guys! Before you read this, I just want you all to know I wrote this about two years ago, and therefore there will be MANY mistakes in it. I will work on editing it and making it better, but just to forewarn all of you, give me a break. Enjoy!


I walked into the school bored out of my mind.

It was the first day of school of my senior year. Hell yes.

"ERIN!!!!!" My best friend, Julie yelled.

"JULIE!!!!" I screamed back, earning glares from other students. I flipped them off.

"WE ARE THE TOP DOGS NOW!!" She shouted.


"Yeah..Hahaha. Oh look, it's your lover, Chance!" She teased jumping on Chance and putting her arm around him.

Chance pushed her softly and blushed. "shut up Julie, We are best friends, nothing more. That's right. BE JEALOUS!" He yelled when she looked heartbroken from saying that me and Chance were best friends.

"Julie stop. You know I could never replace you...It's just.. Chance, oh irresistible Chance!" I said, fake fainting. Chance blushed even harder, and Julie laughed so hard she almost fell.

"Alright Alright, Enough. Schedule check!" Chance said, obviously not wanting to be teased anymore. I stuck my tongue out at him and gave him my schedule. Chance and Julie got the same exact schedule. I on the other hand, had one different. AP English. Oh joy. Fifth hour I have... Johnstone?

"Hey guys, Who's this Johnstone person?" I asked.

"Hmmm, not sure, I heard Old Rat Bag retired so they probably are the new teacher." Chance replied.

"I hope he or she isn't a bitch like he was..." I grumbled.

On to first hour...


The day seemed to be moving forward quickly. I have homework already, and it's the first day... Shitty teachers if you ask me. Chance and I were already at the lunch table when Julie came rushing up.

"Did you hear?!?!" she exclaimed.

"About?" I asked, already bored. Probably just some drama. Julie was known to hear all of the gossip and it irritated me to an extreme. She never really knew how to keep a secret, unless it came to me and Chance.

"The new English teacher! He's supposedly VERY sexy!" She said bumping my shoulder, obviously excited for me and my dating experiences with older men.

"Ew, He's our teacher Jules, that is disgusting." I said.

"So! He is like only, 22! HOT!" She winked at me and I gave her a fake disgusted face and ignore her. Chance was looking very awkward and annoyed, avoiding eye contact with me.

I rolled my eyes at her and enjoyed the rest of my lunch in silence while she kept babbling on about Mr. Johnstone.

When we were done we said our goodbyes and went our seperate ways. I came up to the room, obviously the first one in there. I looked for a good seat, and picked the front. I hated being in the back, because I never got stuff done. When I sat down, Mr. Johnstone looked at me and smirked. I flashed him a 'What the Hell' look, and took out my phone.

"Miss...Uhmm..?" He said.

"You can call me Erin." I said bored.

"Well, Miss Erin, I don't accept phones in my class, so one week of detention. Starting today." He said smirking again. I glared at him hatefully. Then i saw what he looked like.

He had black flippy hair and sea green eyes that popped out. He had a fit body, that was hot. He noticed me goggling at him, and grew an even bigger smirk.

"See anything you like?" he asked, winking.

I grimaced at him.

"I really can't do detention today my ki... I mean my siblings need too be picked up." I begged.

He looked at me weirdly and said, "well get your mom to do it, because baby cakes, you got detention."

I flinched at him when he said 'babycakes' and replied with, " I will have to use my phone for that."

He looked annoyed for a second and mumbled, "whatever."

I grinned at him and thought to myself... I won.

But I definitely knew this was going to be a long, annoying school year.


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Thank youu!(:

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