Chapter 12

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Okay im uploading now!!

Even though I have pink eye in both of my eyes and can't really see..

I wanted to get you guys another chapter!

This one is going to start og onJulie's Pov! So



Julie's Pov

Cam and I watched as Erin, Connor, Serenity, and Tyler went to the park. Oh I'm so nervous telling Cam this. Connor told me he would do it, but I refused. I'm the one having the baby, I'm the one telling Cam and Erin about it. Cam is just going to know sooner then Erin....

"Okay, Jules, why did you need to talk to me?" Cam asked giving me a warm smile. Oh I feel so bad.

"Before I tell you, you have to promise not to tell Erin before I do okay?" I asked, barely getting the words out.

He frowned and nodded.

"Okay, so I knew Connor way before I told Erin about him. We've been dating for a few months, and apparently, I got.. pregnant.." I said loking down ashamed.

All I heard is rustling and someone hovering over me. Great, he thinks poorly of me and is going to tell Erin.

"Congratulations! I'd never thought Connor to settle down with such an independent girl. Don't worry, I won't tell Erin. It's not my secret to tell. Ooohh I wonder what she's going to do to Connor!" He said more to himself on that last part. He made me look at him and then he hugged me.

I looked at him shocked then hugged him back.

"So your not upset that Connor got me pregnant?" I asked, still in shock.

"As long as it wasn't wrape, I honestly don't care. As long as you and Connor are happy!" Cam said not looking upset at all.

"Well The doctor's said that it was going to be a boy, and I want to name him Riley Erin. What do you think?" I asked. Knowing I would piss Erin off with not telling her, hopefully this will make her happy and a little less mad. Hopefully.

"Erin will love it. It's a very cute name. What does Connor think of it." Cam asked.

"I honestly don't give a shit. He will have to deal with it if he doesn't like it." I said.

Cam laughed at that one.

Now hopefully it was this easy telling Erin this.


Erin's Pov

We were walking to the park in silence. I'd tell Connor my plan, and hopefully he will do it.

Once my kids were playing on the playground I hatched out my plan to Connor.

"So this is what I wanted to talk to you about. It's a plan. You've already seen what my father sent me. So just listen and don't but in once. At the end you can tell me what you think. Okay?" I asked hopefully looking more menacingly then I felt.

He just nodded and I half-smiled at him.

"Okay, well my dad is obviously going for the ones I love." I pointed to Serenity and Tyler. "So I was hoping you and Julie could take them for a little while. If you agree to that, then I can speak to CAm alone. I'm going to fake break up with him, and run away. I know my dad will find me. I will have a gun. When he gets close to me, I will shoot him then call the police and text you. If I don't text you, call the police and tell them to go to Erin's old house. They will know where to go. You go there as well and take Cam with you. But when I leave, please give Cam this letter." I handed him a letter when I was done talking.

HE didn't speak just looked at me with concerned eyes. When he finally did speak he said, "Your going to break CAm's heart you know that right?"

I nodded and said quietly, "I will be beaking my own heart as well."

He nodded and we picked up our stuff and walked back home without speaking. SErenity and Tyler ahead of us laughing. If only I could've been that kid..


When we got home Conor and Julie took off with Serenity and Tyler. and I wouldn't let go of Cam. THis will be one of the last hugs in a long time. I wanted to make it last. Cam didn't ask about Serenity or Tyler, just hugged me back like there will be tomorrow. Maybe there won't.

When we let go I had tears in my eyes. Tomorrow I will be breaking both of our hearts. I'm such a selfish bitch.

For now, I'm going to make the most of our time together.

Cam understood my urgency and led me to his room.

There I made the best of both of our lives.


I woke up in the morning, and started crying silently. I got up from the bed and started packing a little bag for me.When I was almost out the door Someone cleared their throats and I turned around.

"Where do you think your going?" CAm asked looking at me with tears in his eyes.

"I can't be here anymore. I don't want you anymore." I said looking at him with cold hard eyes.

"But Eri.. I love you." Cam said desperatly finding me a way to stay.

"I. Don't. Care." I said spacing out the words. Hopefully he will forgive me after he reads the note.

I stormed out the door and turned left. I kept waling and walking. I felt the gun in my pocket and I shivered. Kill my dad, so me and Cam can have a great life together, if he ever forgives me..

WhenI saw a car traveling behind for quite a while I texted Connor saying 'he found me.'

He texted immediately back saying, 'Cam has called me I'm a his house right now. DO what you need to.'

I wiped a tear from my eye and looked at the car. Don't cry. It will be weakness in his eyes. I kept chanting that to myself as my dad stepped out of the car.

"Hi Bunny." He said seductively.

I closed my eyes and pulled the gun out, shooting at him.


Another cliffhanger!! Lol. I kknow don't hate me for lettinf Erin do that to Cam, it was necessary. Anyway.

I will upload as soon as I can!




You know what to do!


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