chapter 3 pic of julie

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Next chapter. Enjoy!


I woke up with Julie and Chance beside me. I had cried a lot that night, telling them about my secret. Julie and Chance were the only ones who understood me. My neighbors and family thought I was a slut and left me..But it wasn't my fault. Chance wanted to kill my father, but I didn't know where he was and obviously wouldn't allow that to happen. Julie just kept crying and asking what did I do to deserve this. I didn't know, but i prayed to God about it every single day. Yes' I'm a Christian, even with all that happened to me.

"WAKE UP GUYS WE STILL HAVE SCHOOL." I yelled at them. They woke up with death glaring eyes. Then they remembered last night and gave me sympthatetic smiles and hugs. I smiled and started up the shower for me, and let Julie and Chance shower if they wanted to.


When we got to school, I was greeted by a very cute guy. "Hello, do you not remember me?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Are you Connor?" I guessed. Wow if it was Cameron and Connor were definite hotties together.

He nodded and smiled. "Nice to meet you, and I was right. You are very hot." He then got smacked on the side of the head by Cameron.

"Shutup dude." He snarled. Woaahh, I'm not the only one with anger managements.

"What she is exactly... Oh Alright I'll stop, just STOP smacking me!" He practically shouted. Mr. Johnstone looked at me apologetically. I smiled back laughing so hard. I haven't laughed like that in a long time. Camerona and Connor joined in.

"Hey guys let's ditch school today and go have fun!" Connor said. Cameron looked at me like it was my decision. I nodded and grinned excitedly. This would be a fun day.


When we got to a diner called Hairy Henry's I must have looked disgusted because Cameron said, "It's actually a really good place, no hair at all I promise." I sighed and mumbled an ok.

Connor was bouncing up and down like a 5 year old. DAMN, my kids! I totally forgot, I texted Julie and Chance asking if they could pick up Serenity and Tyler, both of them replied yes, and I thanked them over and over.

When we got to a table, or booth, Cameron and I sat on what side, and Connor sat on the opposite side of us. I could feel Cam's leg against my knee, and it sent jolts through me. I looked shyly up at him and he smiled warmly at me. Connor looked suggestively at us, and i kicked his shin in return. He yelped and our waitor came up. He was looking at me like I was something to eat. "What would you guys like to drink today?" looking specifically at me. Uhm WEIRD!

"I'll have a cherry coke please." I said awkwardly. He grinned and nodded looking reluctantly at the other two. Cam was looking pissed off to the extreme.

"I'll also have a cherry coke." He said putting his arm around me, and I automatically put my head on his shoulder. He smiled at me. I met him a day ago, and I already like him a lot. Great, but I have to put up my guard. Just until he knows the secret.

Connor looked at us excitedly and said, "I will have mountain dew please!" I laughed at him and Cam laughed with me. These people were great to hangout with.

The waiter rolled his eyes and went to get us our drinks. We looked at each other and laughed again.

"What a dick." I said in between giggles.

"And did you see how he was staring at you like you're a piece of meat?" Connor wiped the tears from his eyes. After Connor said that, Cam didn't look amused anymore. He had a tint of a certain emotion I couldn't think of in his eyes. Hm.. That was weird..

The waiter came back and smiled at me extra wide. 'What a creep' I thought to myself, and ignored him, listening in to what the guys were saying.

"So beautiful. What's your name?" The waiter asked, winking at me. I crinkled my nose in disgust.

"Not interested in someone like you." Cam spoke up and gave our waiter a nasty look.

"I don't think I was speaking to you. Now pretty lady, here's my number on the receipt. Call me sometime." He winked, gave me the receipt, and walked away. Cam took the piece of paper from me and threw it out on our way out of the place.

"I don't remember this place being so rude and sketchy." Connor said as Cam put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, as if I was owned by him. 'What a peculiar thing to do." I thought to myself.

At the end of the day, Cam drove Connor home. When we stopped infront of my house, he looked reluctant. "We shouldn't be doing this you know." He said. I nodded knowingly. "But I know it sounds weird. But its like, I really like you... I don't know what we should do." he looked as frustrated as I felt. Instead of answering him, I gave him a quick peck on the lips and ran to my house. He looked shocked, and then smiled happily. He got my answer.


So good? Bad? I know, sudden kissing and hanging out. But i needed something to happen. I was bored. anyways, comment and fan.

Another chapter will probably be coming soon. If it doesn't go ahead an yell at me.

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