chapter 9

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Erin's red high heels on the side! I thought they werre cute!(:

Okay so I left you at a cliffhanger,

but don't worry, nothing bad...yet. Hehehe



I shook my head and said, "Okay I'm coming. Let me get my stuff. Bye Cam, see you tonight." He looked at me shocked and I winked at him.

I turned to my kidnappers and growled at them playfully. They just laughed and took me away.


"Are you kidding me Julie and Connor? Seriously?" I asked annoyed that I don't get to spend more time with Cam. Julie just shrugged while Connor just laughed at me. I growled at them.

"Where are my children?" I asked, more worriedly now.

"Chance has them." Julie said, yawning. Connor took that advantage and kissed her full on. She didn't stop it either, of course not. Shove it in my face that they get to be with eachother and I can't be with Cam.

"Can I go see Cam now, when you to are making out, of course." I said to them.

Julie looked at me guilitily.

Connor just said, "Oh you are just jealous you cant get any of this."

I looked at him and smirked, "Oh please, I have Cam, I get ALOT better."

Julie laughed her ass of while Connor looked at me shocked. Yup, I've got comebacks to, suck on that Connor! I said just that to.

Connor replied with, "Psh come here and I will." He winked and Julie hit him playfully. :You can have some to Julie. You get the best of course."

Julie gasped, while it was my turn to laugh my ass off.

"Connor! That was terrible to say infront of Erin!" Julie half yelled.

"Oh so it would be okay if I wasn't here?" I asked, making Julie blush. Score for me, Julie never blushes.

"I want my girlfriend back." Cam said behind me, making me jump. Connor smirked and Julie just laughed. Assholes.

"Go ahead and take her. I want to makeout with Julie some more." Connor replied with.

Julie gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes at him. He winked at her and they walked away.

I bit my lip, and looked at Cam.

"Don't do that... It's my job." He said. I smirked at him and bit it just to see him squirm.

"Your being naughty." He said.

"Maybe you should teach me into not being naughty."

"Hmm, I think we should go home."

"I agree." I replied with.


When we got home we went straight to his room.

The whole time I was biting my lip and he was growling at me. I liked the sound of it.

When he closed, -and locked. uh oh- the door he attacked me onto the bed. He then kissed me like I was the only girl in the world. He bit my lip and growled in victory.

"Told you it was my job." He purred in my ear. I shook my head. He looked at me like I was crazy, then starting biting it again. I moaned, and he looked like a king.

I wrapped my legs around him and tensed shocked, but didn't stop. The skirt that I was wearing was riding up, but I didn't care. He looked at me with complete love and lust, but stopped, knowing I still wasn't ready.

My stupid damn dad.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, before sleeping peacefully in his arms.


Julie's POV

"That was very innapropriate Connor." I said very annoyed with my boyfriend.

He looked at me sheepishly, before kissing me. I got butterflies in my stomach, and all the anger went away.. I hated when he did this to me.

"I feel bad about not tell Erin about" I said guiltily.

"She'd chop my balls off if she did know." Connor looked around nervously.

Bless Erin's heart, I knew she would. She didn't want me to go through the same thing she did with her dad.

But I was inlove with Connor, and he was inlove with me. Or that's what he tells me anyways.

"Ugh, when should we tell her?" I asked.

"Well, we should tell Cam first. He won't kill me atleast. And he knows how to keep a secret. But Erin... I don't know. I mean, she's like that over protective sister that's over supportive to. She'd be way happy for you. But me... I don't even want to know what she will do to me." Connor said, actually looking scared.

Bless his little heart, for not running when I told him about the baby. Gosh, I was being so nice. Baby hormones probably. I mean, I've already gotten morning sickness, twice.

I heard SNAP, SNAP.

"Earth to Julie. HEELLLOO?!?!" Connor yelled in my ear.

"What?!" I asked.

"Where do you want to go for dinner?" He replied with.

I answered, knowing that he already knew the answer, "Chinese."

"Oh joy. Do you normally love chinese this much, or is it the baby talking?" He asked,  not annoyed, just wondering. Because I know he loves chinese to.

"Probably both, but who cares?"

"Not me." He answered.

Then we left for some great chinese food.



Alright, so I tried with new POV'S.

How did you like it?

And also, people! I have been seeing the reads and crap, but comment and vote please!

anyways, chapters willbe coming soon.



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