Chapter 13

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Alright guys, so I'm going to have Cam's pov this time!!

Erin's dad is on the side. He is attractive, Johny depp. Yum.

But, he is the bad guy! Darrnn. Lol

So enjoy!!


Cam's Pov

I cleared my throat as I watche dErin trying to sneak out the door secretly. Quietly.

I had tears in my eyes. "Where do you think your going?" I think I knew the answer.

"Away from here. I don't want to be with you."  She replied. She had cold hard eyes. Not the ones I knew. Or loved.

"But Eri... I love you." I said desperately trying to keep my love here.

"I. Don't. Care." She spaced out the words and slammed the door shut after her.

I fell to my knees after that. No.. She couldn't have done this. I loved her. I loved her smile and taste. Her big loving brown eyes, that excepted me even after what her father did to her. I loved her soft straight brown hair. Her laugh. She was my everything. This can't be happening again. Not again. I looked outside my window and she was already gone. All I could see was a tiny figure walking in the distance. Let her be safe and know that I will always love her. Please let her know that.

I called Connor.

"She left. She's gone man. Gone. I don't know what to do." I blabbered uselessly.

"I will be there in 5 minutes." Was all he said and hang up.

5 minutes later Connor opened the door and enveloped me in a hug.

"I'm so sorry man." He said and looked at his phone. He texted someone back and shut his phone. His eyes were hard but he was smiling. A fake smile. I knew that anywhere.

"What happened Connor?" I asked in a hard tone. He knew better than to lie to me.

"Erin, she gave me a letter for you." Was all he said. he put the letter in my hand and sat down in the other room, waiting for me.


I love you. I always will. What I said back there, broke my heart. To see your face like that, I almost cried.

But know, that it was for the best. I only did this, so I could find my father, and kill him. So we could have a life together. If you even forgive me. I understand if you don't.

 But please hear me out first. I'm sorry for those words, So so sorry. Doing this was for you and for me.

 To protect Serenity,Tyler, Connor, and my best friend Julie. But most importantly you. I don't want you to get hurt. Physically.

. Mentally I probably already destroyed you. Again.

 I never wanted this to happen. To come down to this. But I had to. I want us to be safe together.

 So if we ever had kids, They could be safe also. If Connor doesn't get a text from me saying that I killed my dad, please don't be worried.

My dad woudln't kill me. Just take me to different places. And soon I would be with you again.

I wouldn't leave you. If I do die... Just please take care of Serenity and Tyler for me. Most importantly know, that I will always love you. and you will always be in my heart.

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