chapter 4 pic of Chance

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Okay, so im bored again. Haha, My new chapter, with Chance on the side, so go ahead and veiw that.

Uhm, Tell me how im doing. Comment vote and fan!


When I got inside, my daughter Serenity and son Tyler, attacked me with hugs and kisses. I about died laughing, when I saw Chance looking thoughtful and Julie slightly pissed.

"Do you know how long you've been gone?" She asked, basically snarling at me.

"Um.. not really...Holy Shi... Crap!" I said looking at my watch and then at Serenity and Tyler.

"Yeah, what the hell?!" She asked clearly angry at me, wanting an explanation of why I was out so late.

I stuttered, not being able to find the right words. "I'm sorry." was all I could say. Chance didn't even look mad though. He got up, hugged me, and said he had to go. I smiled at him and said okay.

Julie wasn't letting me off that easy though. She gave me a lecture about.. my kids.. MY KIDS. Then she said, "Where'd you go anyways?"

I smiled and told her about my entire day. At the end she looked quite happy for me. "Finally getting yourself a guy. Huh?" she then said, "I better be meeting him. Chance needs to meet him to."

I smiled and nodded my head in agreement. She hugged me and said goodnight. I replied with a night and hugged her. After putting Serenity and Tyler into their beds, I let myself fall on my bed and into a deep sleep.


The next weeks passed by quickly, with tests and pop quizzes. I barely got to see Cam, But i saw Connor everyday. Which was a plus.. I think. Me and Cam are finally together, because he asked me in a text. Today is Saturday, and we've been dating for a month now. It was time to tell him about my horrible secret, although I'm sure he's already heard most of the rumors my neighbors spread to him.


SERENITY, TYLER GET DOW HERE!" I screamed knowing they would hear me anyways.

Serenity was first to come down, and sat on my lap, "Yes mommy?" she asked, clearly confused. When Tyler got down and sat on the other part of my lap all i said was, "We're going to meet our new neighbor." They clapped and ran over to my boyfriend's house and knocked on the door without me. I hurried over there right as Cam opened the door.

I smiled at them, my crazy little ones. "Hi Cam." I said giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. He smiled in return, looking a little confused. "Who are these cuties?" He asked.

"It's time to tell you about my life." I said, scared of what he would think of me at the end.

"Okay" He gave me a sympathetic and confused smile and sat down, patting the seat beside him.

"Okay, well first I need to tell you these are my kids." I said. He nodded for me to continue. "The father... Is my dad. He raped me when I was 14, and blamed it all on me. He told my mother I was obviously a slut, and she was disgusted. They disappeared. 2 years later he came back and did it again. Whenever he did that he said that my pj's... were backwards and he needed to fix them. He did that since I was 4. My oldest Serenity is 4, I'm scared for her life, that my dad will take her in the night. Even if I moved. I was for the longest time I wouldn't let any one touch, for if they did, I'd scream and start crying... When I met Julie it's like she helped me. So did Chance. They didn't know what happened but they didn't care. From then on I was a cold rude person to anyone except Julie and Chance. Then I met you and Connor. You helped me." I finished.

I was watching his face to see what he did. All he did was look at me, and cry for me. He looked like he wanted to hold me, but he just sat there, tears streaming down his gorgeous face.

"I'm sorry, if you want me to leave I will." I said crushed after he didn't say anything for a while.

I started to walk to get Serenity and Tyler when he grabbed me back and hugged me.

"You were only 14..." He said, "You deserved better. Erin..I'm so sorry. I am so glad I met you. You changed my life."

I looked up at him in surprise. "You don't think im disgusting, or that I lied? My whole family thinks im a slut, and so do my neighbors. No one thinks seriously of me, and I kind of just let them.. I'm only in high school." I looked down and avoided looking at his eyes.

He growled and put his finger under my chin, making me look at him, "What assholes. Erin, I really really like you, and I trust you. You are heartbroken because of what your father did, but I promise if it takes forever, I'm going to fix that broken heart I promise."

I looked at him and kissed him. He was shocked at first, but quickly dominated the kiss, and I let him. When we were about to deepen it, I heard someone crying. I let go and look over to see Tyler.

"YOU'RE EATING MOMMY'S FACE!!" He wailed with his blonde little curls wet.

I rushed over to him and said, "Honey he isn't eating my face." trying not to laugh. Serenity grabbed him.

"Tyler, They love eachother that's how they're showing it, come with me, I want to play with you." She said. I laughed and looked at her with wide eyes and she just shrugged. My 4 year old... acting like a teenager.

Cam the whole time just laughed his ass off and was shocked at how much Serenity knew, only being 4. I glared at him for a second and started laughing too.

He suddenly said, "time for 20 questions." I nodded and our game began.


"Favorite color?" he asked.

"Purple. But I like black too. Favorite animal?"

"Leopards, What? I love their dots." he said looking at my face.

"I love leopards too..." I replied and smiled at him.

He smirked. and I Kissed him. Against his lips i said, "I like you better with a genuine smile." All he did was moan, trying to deepen the kiss, at the last second i pulled back, finally able to smirk at him for once. He growled and jumped at me. He put his lips on mine and when I thought he was about to deepen it, he trailed the side of of my jaw, going to my neck, there he sucked lightly, giving me a love bite. Great, how to explain to Julie and Chance. When he was done he got up and gave me a genuine smile.

"You're offocially mine." He declared. I stuck my tongue out at him and ran.

When he caught up to me, we were upstairs... In his bedroom. Great, just great.

"Okay babycakes, time to tell you about my past." He said laying on the bed, putting me beside him.


What do you guys think? Too fast? Idk but next chapter, will be of Cam's past life. YAY!

And hopefully i will get a pick of Serenity and Tyler.

So comment and vote and fan? alirght guys thanks!

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