Chapter 10

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Alright, so I've been really busy lately.

I have volleyball camp and I'm going to see the Harry Potter Movie!!!(:

Anyways! I have Erins mask on the side.

Yes. Julie is preggerz. So if there is anymore questions, tell me!



Erin's POV

Finally, the night of the dance. And no parents telling me that I have a certain time limit for tonight.

Im going with my love Cam. Connor is taking Jules. How swweett!! Though, I've been noticing Jules is kinda snappy.. Oh well, probably nothing. Chance is going with Rose. Rose is sweet, but I have a feeling she doesn't like me.. Whatever. Ahh Cam.. The thing is, I don't know what Cam will be wearing. He won't know what I'm wearing either.  This, is going to be fun.

I decided to go to my old house to get dressed. One of the neighbors will be babysitting Serenity and Tyler. I put on my dress, and sighed at how well it suited my body. Curves in all the right places. I then put on my red heels. Oooo, I am not going to be comfortable. Oh, well. I then put on my eyeliner and mascara so my brown eyes pop out. I curled my normally long, straight chocolately brown hair. I put on my mask carefully, not to mess up my hair.

Beep,Beep. Julie, Chance, Rose, and Connor is here! I ran outside and went to the front seat where Connor was.

"Out." I said smiling at him.

He said something under his breath.

"Excuse me? I'm sorry I didn't hear you." I said, just joking around. He laughed at me and shook his head.

"Allright, if you guys are done flirting.. We gott a dance we have to get to." Julie said winking at me.

This is going to be a long night.


We were there for about an hour and I couldn't find Cam anywhere. All the guys kept asking for a dance, but I nicely disagreed.

Then a younger student handed me a note.

Dear Love of my life,

               You look stunning, It's nice to see you look for me.. But you have to find me first. We are going to play a little game. Folloy my clues, and you'll surely find me. Go to locker 235 and you will fin your next clue.

Yours truly,


I looked around and rolled my eyes. Joy, finding my date's going to be a blast. I was walking through the lockers, and finally found locker 235.

You look beautiful tonight, but yet cannot seem to find your prince. Go to the science lab, and you will find your next clue.

I went to the lab and found a huge heart on the board, and a neckalace.

For all your troubles on trying to find me, I have treasures to make it worth your time. Here is one of many. I love you. Now go to the bathroom, and of course the ladies one. We don't want you peeking do we?(;

I half growled and half laughed. Of course he knew about that. It was on my record. Stupid dares.

I walked to the bathroom, and saw a ring and a note.

You forgot the ring when you rudely left me with Julie and Connor. Well here it is. This is the last note. Please go outside right by the forest, You are in for a treat.

He is so sweet. The ring fit me perfectly. He deserved so much better than me. The stupid slut that I am.. Worst of it all, I freaking used to cut myself. I am not proud of that. Now when people ask it's cat's scratches gone wrong. I was thinking all of this, when I realized I was already outside. Wow, I space out.

I went to the edge of the forest and say lights twinkling and Cam looking at me, like I was the only girl in the world. I was so lucky to be with him. I didn't say anything, just went into his arms, and stayed there. I don't know how long we stayed like that, but when he pulled back my legs were hurting.

He noticed and smirked at me, pulling me down to sit. I didn't notice the picnic basket until now. I didn't realize I had tears in my eyes until Cam kissed them away, and looked at me questioningly.

"This is the sweetest thing anybody has ever done for me." I whispered not trusting my voice.

He looked at me lovingly. He didn't say anything though. Weird. He looked kind of nervous. He pulled out food, and we ate. Good thing I didn't go to the restaurent with my friends.

We ate and laid down next to eachother. We looked into our eyes, for what seemed like hours, and not in the bad way.

I realized, that right here, I was inlove with Cam. My teacher. It was illegal, but I wanted him. Now.

"I'm ready Cam." I said, looking into his piercing, and confused green eyes.

"For?" He asked.

'Us, now." Was all I said.

Cam made love to me right there and then.

When we were done, we went home, and slept.


When we woke, Cam was spooning me and had his arm slung casually around me.

Flashblacks of last night popped into my head and I smiled. My love. Cam.

Knock, knock.

That is when my life went down the drain... Again


Great cliffhanger eh? Yeah, Cam and Erin did it.

I did not go into detail at all. Not my style.

Anyways, This sint the longest chapter, but it will do.

I will update as soon as I can.


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