Chapter 11

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I'm so sore. And annoyed. But writing helps me calm myself, so this chapter is coming earliear than I wanted.

Anways, comment and vote. you know you want to(:


I woke up Cam, and we went to the door together. Nobody was there, just a letter, addressed to me.

I started to freak out. How did anyone know I lived here?! It was supposed to be a secret! Shit!

CAm saw me visibly freaking andd wrapped his arms around me.

"It's okay babycakes, Shhh it's okay. Everything will be okay." He said calming me down immediately. The sudden jolts went through me while he touched me, but I ignored it. Now is not the time to be in lust mode. First we need to read the note.

Erin Marie,

           Seems to me you have a 'love of your life' now. Not being a slut anymore? Well, we will have to fix that. I want my Erin to myself. Since your mother decided to 'drop' me, she's dead. To bad for her. I always wanted you, and now I can have you. Ha, Oh and when I do come, you won't have to worry about those kids that were mistakes they will probably die soon by 'accident.' Ha, Oh and the guy you love. You won't have to worry about him either. I Love you Bunny.


No, no, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening again, and with my kids and Cam involved. No, this has gone to far. My anger built as I started to clench my fists. I'm freaking done with this shit. I am not going to sit and liet Serenity and Tyler die. Or Cam. Gah! Why me?!

Cam looked murderously angry. "He is not going to kill Serenity or Tyler. And he surely is not taking you again. Even if it means I'm going to-"

I cut him off. "You are not risking your life for me. I lvoe you to much for you to get hurt."

"Listen, I will risk my life for you. I love you so much, and I am not letting you go, like I did Rose. You are staying with me." He replied with softening up.

"Then promise you'll stay with me to.." I said, letting the tears come, ones from a long time ago, form a couple weeks, from everywhere. Letting out tears felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders. Even though I've done it many times before, this was the one time that actually counted a realy cry for me.

Cam looked at me with sadness, pain and Many other emotions mixed in with it. I just cried in his arms until I felt sleepines come to me.

At last he says, "I can't..."

I close my eyes, with the nightmares come back

Erin's nightmare.

I opened my eyes, he's not here yet. Maybe I should run away... No, he'd just find me again, and beat me until his hearts content.

The door squeaked open slowly and lights went on.

"Oh Erin, Your pj's. They are backwards. Let me fix them. But don't tell mommy. She would have a fit about it." He said soothingly. I knew what he was going to do and whimpered back.

He growled at me and snapped, "Come here Bunny, Now or else."

I sniffed my nose and let my dad do what he wanted. I drifted my mind away from him. I went to the park, where I went to the park with mommy. TO the school where my friends were.

When he was done he looked happy. Good, I didn't upset him. All he did to me was slap me inthe face. He laughed at me and went out of the room. I didn't cry when he slapped me, or when he did what he wanted.

I couldnt. It would be weakness in his eyes. I couldnt. I can't...

When I was just about to play with my dolls, a stranger came in the room and said, "I will save you, but I can't..."

"What?! What cant you promise?!" I screamed at him, finally crying.

He couldn't speak, because at that moment my dad came in and shot him. No, not him.

"NOOO DADDY WHY WHY?!" I kept on screaming as my dad came closer and closer smiling at me like I was something to eat."


Erin! ERIN! Wake up! It was just a bad dream!" Connor and Cam yelled.

Julie saw me and gave me one of those 'smiles.' Damn it. I hated those smiles. The ones that they know what happened to you and all they do is smile at you, trying to make you feel better. Instead of running to Cam's arms, I went to Serenity and Tyler.

"Hey guys how are you doing?" I asked them looking at them like they were the best things in the world. and they are, with Cam, Julie, Connor, and of course Chance.

"Moomyy, you were scweaming. Awre you okay?" Tyler asked looking at me sadly.

"Of course I am sweetie. How about you me and Serenity go to the park with Connor?" I asked them without asking Connor.

"YAAYY!!!" They screamed and went to go get ready.

Cam looked at me with sadness and Connor and Julie had confusion on their faces.

"I just need to talk to him for a couple of seconds. Cam we can go next week okay?" I said hoping I didn't make him sad, or angry.

He nodded half smiling at me. "Julie needs to talk to me anway."

I nodded and Connor came with me. We went with SErenity and Tyler to the park.

That's when I started to tell him my plan


So another cliffhanger I know.

Anyways, I thought about having mroe Connor and Julie in the story and here they are.

Well I have a question for everybody. I am looking for a editor, because I have a couple grammical errors in my chapters, and I need some help.

So, We are going to have a contest. Whoever fixes up my first chapter, the best wins. And give me a paragraph of yourself telling me why you want to be my editor and stuff like that.

Anyways. I am done, and going to eat lunch, So Enjoy the chapter. I need





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