Chapter 7

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Nothing to do on the 4 of July, So i write!

Happy 4th of july everybody, and I hope you like this chapter. I'm thinking of doing Julie's Pov, But I'm not sure yet.

Tell me what you think about that! Anywayyss.



I woke up on a couch. There were arms around me and my kids were sleeping on the floor. Cute.

I got up and went to make dinner for it was 6:20.

Wow, I slept that long? Then I remembered the whole day. Poor Cameron. His love life reminds me of the song Lucy by Skillet. I'm jealous of Rose, for he was her first love. Though I shouldn't be talking such I'm such a freaking slut.

The messed up thing about me is, I don't hate my dad. I should, I know... But I can't. He was my dad.. I don't know. I feel so messed up because of it. When I was going to think further on that, two stronf arms wrapped around me. I didn't even flinch.

I smiled and turned around. What I did flinch at was his face so close to mine. "Hello beautiful." he said, starting to kiss my jaw, I mumbled something back so while he was kissing my neck, he chuckled.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked capturing me with his piercing green eyes. I couldn't look away, nor speak, I was a deer in headlights. He just smiled and went back to kissing my neck.

"Just, everything." I finally replied.

"I used to do that alot." He said.

"Hmm, what happened? Is it just me that runs through your mind now?" I teased. He nodded while sucking my collarbone. "How is that to be? Your a teacher?" He laughed a real laughed and ignored me.

When he was done he took a step back and looked at me. "That looks better, now your mine, and you can see it." He smiled proudly, I couldn't help but smile back.

When we were just about to leave his house, he pulled me back a little bit. "You should come live with me. Then your parents wouldn't have to find you." He said biting his lip, obviously nervous.

I smiled excitedly, and almost screamed, "HELL YESS!!!" He smiled at me.

"Do you need help packing?" He asked me.

I looked anywhere except him. "Well, we never unpacked, just incase my mom and dad do ever come back, we can quickly leave. We only have our clothes anyways." I admitted, embaressed.

He looked at me with a sympathetic expression and went to my house and got our stuff, brought to his house, and started unpacking.

"Serenity, Tyler, come here." They looked at me with happy expressions.

"We are living with Cam, Okay?" I said hopng they agreed, not being rude. They nodded excitedly and cheered.

"Mommy, can we bring Daddy to father's day at school now?" I blinked when Serenity said that. She said 'daddy'. I hope so one day. I didn't know Cam was listening to the whole thing though.

Because he answered, "Of course I can sweetie, if it's okay with your mother." They all looked at me hopefully, I nodded smiling.

"Tomorrow is school, so everyone to bed, especially you 'daddy' you have to teach."I winked at him playfully.

When we got to Serenity and Tyler to bed, I was soaring to touch Cam again. Tonight was going to be fun.

(For everyones info, no they didn't have sex. Erin, is definitely not ready for that. Just so ya'll know.)


"Time to wake up beautiful." Cam said. I groaned, pulled the covers over me and yelled, "GO AWAY."

Cam didn't answer, instead, he tackled me and started tickling. When he stopped, I was gasping for air.

"I already dropped of Serenity and Tyler."He said. "I came back for you. Now get up."

I groaned again and got up. I pulled on some black skinny jeans, convers, and a tight shirt.

"Wow, really? I like that shirt." Cam said, perving all up on me.

"Ew, dude. haha, stop perving me." I said, not ready for his comment.

"Atleast when you turn around, I don't perv on your ass. Wait, I do. Nevermind." He winked at me.

This was going to be a long long day.


Alright, not the longest chapter, but I updated.

So on the side, is the song Lucy, by Skillet, so listen to that.

Comment and vote. you know what to do.

Happy 4th everyone!

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