chapter 8

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Okay, so I'm supposed to be grounded from the computer for the next few days, but I snuck on here so I could atleast get you guys a chapter in.

So enjoy!(:


The whole day all I heard was the dance the dance OMIGOSH the dance.

It would be The Christmas Dance to be exact. A masquerade ball. I usually hated dances.. But this could be fun.

Get the perfect dress, the perfect mask, and have the perfect guy, without anyone knowing.

I just hope Cam would ask me. But now it was time for Ap English. Great, just great.

Its not that I don't like that class or anything, it's just that Cam teaches that class, and I can hardly pay attention, with him smirking at me the whole time. Asshole.


When the class was over, I of course had detention. By, who else, Mr. Johnstone.

"God, babycakes, you are a naughty girl." He said suggestively and winked.

"Not like you could get any of this." I twirled and winked right back.

"Oh really? You're so getting it tonight. Now sit down, and read a book or something. I have to grade your tests." He said, obviously not wanting to do my tests.

About an hour later, I was right next to Cam messing around with him, when Connor came in.

"PDA PDA!!!" He shouted.

"Not like you and Jules weren't getting it on in my...our house today after picking up my kids." I snapped back. Woah, where'd that come from. CAm was mentally asking me the same thing. I just shrugged at him. Usually I was the nice chick.

Connor looked at me guilitily. "You don't have camera's right?" I looked at him shocked for a second, and started laughing my ass of.

"Infornt of our kids? REally Connor?" Said Cam... Wait. Did he just say our kids? Cam looked at me nervously, not wanting ot offend me. I smiled gratefully.

"You don't have to call them our kids, though that sounds amazing." I said, still shocked. Connor looked at as like we were stupid.

"You guys are seriously perfect together. It's literally disgusting." He sounded repulsed. I just laughed at him, and then Connor and Cam began. We totally couldn't stop.


When we got home later that night, Serenity and Tyler were asleep.

"Good, now I can get my revenge." Cam said evilly, with a laugh of a maniac.

I mini-screamed, and ran for my life. I swear I'd be the first to die in a scary movie, because where do I go? A bedroom. More specifically, Cam's bedroom. Oh perfect. He shut the door, and walked to me slowly, like a stalker killing its prey.

I stuttered, "Oh.. C-Cam I-I was Ju-just kidding, yo-you k-know that r-r-right?"

He just laughed at me, tackled me and carrying me bridal style, put me on his bed. Then he started kissing me everywhere. "I can get this," He kissed my neck, "and this," he kissed me stomach, "And definitely this." He finished with kissing my lips. We just sat there for a while, kissing.

It was a nice one to. Passionate, yet soft. I loved it. When we were finished, I fell asleep in his arms.


Today, is Saturday, and time for Julie and I to go shopping for my dress, shoes, and mask.

We looked for hours, until I found the perfect one. It was black, and went down to half of my thigh. It wasn't slutty looking, but I definitely wasn't a saint. It was perfect.

I then found the perfect shoes. They were red and just amazing.

Then the mask.. It was white, and had lovely pearls all over the side. I was inlove with my outfit.

Then we went to Victoria's secret,and I got a thong with a strapless bra. The whole thing was matching perfectly.

And when we were done, I went home.

"Hello love, What were you doing at the mall all day?" Cam asked.

"Oh.. The dance.." I said casually hoping he would ask me.

"Are you.. going with someone?" He asked, having jealousy in his tone.

"No... I was hoping some one would ask me." I said, lying. Many boys had asked me. I turned them down, because I wanted to go with Cam.

"Ohhh, Well I was going to ask you, but if your waiting for someone?" He replied, more questioningly. I looked at him with a tone that said 'you dummy I want you to ask me.' He laughed and said, "Let's go to dinner tonight."


When we got there, It was a very fancy place. I was excited. I was wearinf a longer purple dress, that had no back at all. Cam, said he loved it and I just winked at him.

We were halfway through dinnerwhen Cam got down on one knee. Everyone looked at him like awww.

"Erin, I know it has been only a couple of months... But, Will you marry me?" He asked pulling out a box. Inside the box, had a loved pair of earing and necklace, that said, 'will you go to the ball with me.

Everyone was looking at me expectantly, and I hadn't realized I had tears to my eyes. Wait, I haven't answered! "Of course Cam." I said. Everyone cheered. I pulled Cam into a hug, and he kissed me passionitely.

I hope he would actually marry me some day. I just hope...

CRASH!!! "Erin, come with me now, or your 'fiancee' gets hurt." Said an all to familiar voice.

Oh, no...


Lovely cliff hanger, ehh? Well, hope you enjoyed!(:

Erin's beautiful black dress is on the side.

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