Chapter 14

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Uploading time!!! Okkay so guys I'm going to be making a new story. It's called "It Started With A Carnival Ride."

So read that!! Anyways!

What do you think about Erin having Cam's babies!!

Tell me! Lol.

Here it is!!


Cam's Pov

Twins?! No way in Hell!!! How would Erin react to this?!!! Oh god Erin! But twins?! It's not that I'm not excited, because I so am! But how would Erin react to this?

The doctor interrupted my thoughts. "Erin is waking up and we are going to tell her about her twins, would you like to be in there?" He asked looking at me.

I nodded and said, "I want to talk to her before you tell her okay?"

The doctor was already leading me away and nodded at me.

Oh Erin, she looked beautiful even with all the scratches. She was having a nightmare though.

"Erin baby, it's okay. He is gone love. gone." I whispered to her holding her hand.

"C-Cam?" She asked opening her eyes slowly.

"Yes babycakes it's me." I smiled at her.

Emotions went through her face like a tornado. Happy, Sad, shock, mad, and scared.

"Where's my dad?" She whispered.

"Dead and gone baby." I said.

She looked at me proudly, then got to scared.

"Are you okay?!" She asked.

I looked at her guiltily. "Just a slight scratch on my stomach." I replied with.

"Show me now." Was all she said.

I lfted up my shirt for her to see. So I have to admit it wasn't a slight scratch. From my one side to the other the knife sliced me. It hurt like a mo-fo.

"A slight scratch?! That to you s a slight scratch?!!??!?!" She said a but histarically.

"Babe, stop, look at you. I'm fine and the doctors have news for you." I said not looking at her.

"Bring them in." She ordered.

By the sound of her voice and what they heard the doctor came in. It was one woman looking at her kindly.

"You look much better." She complimented me.

"Yeah, well I get to see my babycakes." I sighed.

"Well do you want to know the news?" She asked Erin.

"Yes." She replied.

"Well congratulations. You are having twins." said the nurse.


Erin's pov

Twins?! Twins?! I'm having twins!? They are Cam's they have to be!

"Do you know what they are?!" I asked excited.

"Yes, they are both girls." She smiled at me warmly.

Two baby girls with Cam. I'm so excited!

"I'll give you time to speak with Cameron." The nurse said exiting the room.

I looked at Cam and smiled at him. "I'm having twin girls with you!" I said excited.

"You mean you're not angry?" Asked Cam, obviously shocked.

"Of course!! We will have a completed family.. If you forgive me of course." I said looking down.

"You are my love, how could I not forgive you." He said. I looked up at him and saw love in his eyes.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you to" He said back.


1 year later

"Can you get the door Serenity? I'm with Jamie and Jasmine." Erin said.

"Yes mommy." Serenity looked at her sweetly.

"No I want to get it!!" Tyler yelled.

"Ty and Ser, both of you get the door then, we are busy." Cam ordered.

"Yes daddy." The said at the same time and zoomed off to get the door.

We heard them opening the door.

Connor said to them, "My favorite little 5 and 3 year old." He grabbed them up in a bear hug.

Julie was there with her little boy, Riley Erin. She named him after me to softem me up when she told me. I still almost ripped Connor's balls off. Poor Poor boy. I laughed and Cam looked at me confused. I just winked at him and he looked at me lovingly.

"My favorite little Twins!" Connor cooed to my twins.

I looked at him and said, "Would you like to hold Jamie or Jasmine?"

"Jasmine please." He said looking at her.

"Looks like you are holding Jamie." I said to Julie.

"Fine with me! And you of course get Riley Erin." She said.

We switched babies and I was humming a lullaby when Cam wrapped his arms around me and sang quietly with me.

He whispered in my ear, "You still have the sweetest voice in the world."

I remember when he told me that. That's one of the first days I felt really close to him. I sighed at the memory.

"Love, is truly the defintion for you." I said to him.

We looked around and saw our perfect little family.

If you asked me 2 years ago I would have said love doesn't exist. Now I know, there is someone out there for everyone. I know I sound like a sick lovebird, but it's true. And I was lucky enough to get Cam.


This was pretty mucha short story, but I will try making it longer in my sequel.

Yes I'm having a sequel, and it is going to about Serenity. Anyways, This is the end of my story I hope you enjoyed.

I'm making two new stories, One of course the sequel and the second one is a completely different story line.

I really hope you guys check those out!

Anyways The End!


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