Chapter 5 pic of Connor

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Okay so I lied, This is the one what Connor looks like.

Hope you like! fan comment vote, you know what to do.


"Alright, are you ready to hear my life story? It's pretty complicated. Keep up." He said playfully. I just winked and said I'll try.

"Alright well, we'll start with when I was 4. My dad started abusing me." I gulped, knowing what it felt like. He looked at me apotogetically, I just gave him a small smile. "When my dad left I was 6. When I was 8 my mom started abusing me. When I was 10 my aunt found out and called child services. She took me in. Then in high school I was a total player. When I met this girl anmed Rose, I felt that I was falling inlove. We went to a party she really didn't want to go, but i talked her into. We snuck ut and got completely wasted. When we were driving home, I crashed my car. I, only have a large scar on my lower bruise and on the top of my heead. Rose on the other hand, got a huge concussion. She died 2 days later. I then went to college and met Connor. He cleaned me up and then my Aunt that raised me died. I really asked why to God about this. And yes I'm a Christian to. Just so you know."

I smiled and nodded, "I know it may seem weird, after all thats happened to me, but I'm a full believer."

He smiled at me. A real genuine smile, and I was crazy for it. "Yes, but anyways, then I came here and met you. And I am in love." I aww'd at that. We were exactly thinking the same for eachother.

I smile and scoot closer, and say, "Well, I'm here to comfort you." I softly put my hand on his chest...DAMN thats one HARD ASS chest. He smirked at me like he knew what I was thinking.

"Where's your booboo? Want me to kiss it make it better? " I asked seductively. He nodded and moaned softly. I liked the sound of that. I slowly lifted up his shirt, and kissed every part of his scar. He moaned my name and I licked it slowly. He stopped suddenly and lifted me to him.

"You. Gave. Me. A. Boner." He said.

I laughed and said, "Well I like the sound of that."

He looked at me shocked, and then said, "But you always do so it's all good." and gave me a wink. I smiled and kissed him. We deepened the kiss. We made out for what was like an hour, before he stopped. "You don't want this." He said reluctantly.

He cared for me. That was SO SWEEETTT. I smiled at him. Yes, he knew, for the best. And it was amazing.

"So 20 questions again?" I asked.

"Yup" he said popping the p. "Are you a virgin?"

I gasped at his question and stuttered, "U-Uhm, No?" Making it sound more like a question.

He looked at me shocked and made me explain.

"Errrr, Let's just say Jule, Chance and I were drunk, and We were playing truth or dare. Julie dared me and Chance to have sex, and I guess we just did." I replied shrugging.

He stared at me. I said suddenly, "Hey, Chance is my best guy friend, like the father figure I've never had. Be prepared tomorrow when he meets you."

"Alright." He said. We continually played 20 questions for the next hour. I looked at the time shocked. He knew what I was thinking and asked me to stay the night. I happily shook my head yes.

We found Serenity and Tyler, already asleep on the guest bed.

I smiled happily at them and went to change, forgetting I didn't have any clothes.

"SHIT!" I said. Cam looked at me strangely.

"I don't have any clothes to change into." I explained.

"Oh you can use one of mine." He said not surprised. I happily skipped to his room and found my favorite plaid shirt of his. It was like 3 sizes to big but I didn't care. I got into his bed and watched him as he stripped down to his boxers.

"Wooo, I could watch this show every night," I whistled.

"Hopefully you will soon." He winked, turned the light off, and got into bed, automatically put his arm around me. I closed my eyes and slept through the night peacefully, for the first time in years...


Alright guys, done with this chapter, what do you think? Was it to short?

Anyway do the thing, comment, fan, and vote! thank you!

oh and sorry for the sextual content, is it to much? Tell me what you think!(:

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