ChApTeR 2 picture of Erin on the side!

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School was finally over. Now I had to deal with detention. Great. My dull brown hair was getting in my face so I pulled it back into a ponytail, and opened the door to his room. To see his beautiful green apple eyes...Stop! What am I doing?! He was my teacher. I am NOT doing this..

"Hello, Erin. Did you get some one to pick up your siblings?" He asked actually showing some concern.

He probably didn't even care, so why was he asking me this? "Yes I did. Now what do you want me to do?" I questioned, actually becoming more bored by the minute.

"Can you alphabatize the books in the back closet please? I need to call someone." He said looking at up at me with his piercing green eyes.

"Uhh..Y-Yes s-sure." I stuttered. I blushed and went to the back of the room, and started. I knew how to do this. I've been given many detentions. I may have good grades in school, but I'm a smart ass to all the teachers, and so they all hate me. Do I give a shit though? Not really.

"Do you need any help?" He asked schocked to find me already started.

"No, I've done this before actually." I replied back not looking back.

He blinked, shook his head, and went out the door of the classroom. Then a phone started ringing the batman theme song...Hehe I love batman. I want that ringtone now. I saw that his phone was ringing it and answered.

"Hello?" I said.

"Who is this? Is it Cameron's student?" Said a manly voice.

"Yep." I said popping the p. "He left his phone and I answered."

"Haha, I like you already. My name is Connor. I am Cameron's best friend. What's your name?" He said.

"My name is Erin." I replied.

"Well Erin it was very nice to talk with you. Tell Cameron I called. Bye hot stuff!" He practically shouted.

"Hot stuff? Hahaha You don't even know what I look like!" I said obviously shocked.

"I can tell by voices..." He replied with, very mysterious.

"Haha, whatever. Bye Connor!" I said, hanging up not waiting for an answer. Well I was done with the books, I've become a pro..Hahahaha.... When Mr. Johnstone comes walking in.

"What are you doing in my chair?" He inquired.

I looke at him innocently, "Why Connor called, with his Batman ringtone, and I just HAD to answer."

He looked at me shocked. I smiled at him. "I'm done. Can I go now?"

He shook his head and snatched the phone in out of my hand. "No, you can NOT go." then he started laughing.

Ha, he's so funny. Not. "I'll take you home though if you want. I saw that you walked here and it's pretty dark outside." He said seriously.

SHIT! My kids! "Yeah please take me home." I begged.


When we got to his car, He suddenly stopped. "You can call me Cameron now, we're out of school." he said finally. I nodded an kindly looked at him.

When we got to my house he looked surprised. "I live literally right across from you. I just moved here." he said.

"Oh, well.. WELCOME TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD!!!" I screamed and gave him a hug.

He was shocked for a second, then hugged me back. I looked up at him, and then saw my neighbors looking at me with disappointment.. I let my arms fall and said, "If you here any of the rumors, please don't listen to them they aren't true. I will tell you the truth if I get to trust you. We can get to know each other later. They are looking at me.. Again."

He looked at me like he understood and said, "The same for me." We then said our goodbyes and went to our homes.

When I walked in, my little ones attacked me. "MOMMY!!" They screamed. "Hi children." I smiled and hugged them. Julie looked at me and winked, while Chance looked pissed. "Why the heck did he keep you that long?!" Chance asked obviously pissed.

I ignored him and put my little ones to bed. Time to tell my best friends the truth...


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