chapter 6 pic of serenity and Tyler

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So new chapter! Have pics of the two children on the side,

if you ask me they were ADORABLE. Anyways next chapterr for you



I woke up the next day, with an arm and leg around me. I smiled and turned over to see Cam's beautiful face. I gently put my hand on his face, when I heard him talking.

"Love, the definition for love is you, Erin." He said gently. I quietly aww'd and tried to get out of bed, then Cam tightened his grip on me.

"Morning beautiful." He said huskily.

I smiled and replied with, "Goodmorning sleep talker." I then winked and got out of bed asking, "What do you want for breakfast?"

"PANCAKES!!" Tyler yelled instead. Serenity loked at him and rolled her eyes. I smiled at both of them.

Wow, I'm in a better mood then I'm usually in! I then heard a knock at the door, I looked to see what time it was. Oh geez, 12?! I never wake up this early. Oh, well, I though to myself, as I opened the door.

"MOORRRNIINNGG SEXXYYY!" Connor yelled, obviously looking at me with just Cam's shirt on. I rolled my eyes and slapped him lightly. He looked at me surprised then slowly fell to the ground saying, "HELP ME! MEDUSA HIT ME IN THE ARM AND I'M DYINNNGGG!" I looked at him shocked, then burst outlaughing, when I felt to arms go around my waist and a chin on my shoulder. I sighed happily.

"You do know Ihave neighbors right Connor? They might just want to kick me out." He said with raised eyebrows. Connor just laughed.

I said, "they wanted to kick me out years ago. They are just the kind to be the old gossipers." This made Connor laugh even harder. I looked at him strangely.

"Are you.... drunk?" In asked disbelievingly.

"Haha...Just..A..Little...HAHAHAHA" He said through laughs and tears. I shook my head at him.

I made everybody pancakes, when I heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." I said. I was fully dressed now as I looked to see Julie and Chance at the door. Chance looked absolutely furious.

"Thank you for not telling me you were dating our English teacher. You know how I feel about not telling me stuff." He gave me a huge lecture, while Julie stared at me amusingly. I glared at her, knowing she was the one who did this.

"Want to meet my boyfriend?" I asked when he was done.

"HELL TO THE YES." Julie yelled. I heard chuckling in the other room.

"Way to make your presence known Jules." I said sarcastically. "Come on in."

They walked into the house looking it through while I gave them the tour, when we passed Cam's room Julie whistled while Chance gave her and me the death glare, if that was possible.

When we got to the living room, Julie atoumatically saw Connor and blushed, while he winked at her. Okay, something fishy going on there. I thought to myself, knowing Cam saw it to. He have me a knowing look. I plopped my self into his lap and he put his arm around me. Sparks were soaring through my body, but I ignored them, since Chance was here.

Chance said, "Cam, I'm going to talk to you. Erin here is like my little sister, and if you do anything to hurt her, I will kick your ass. And I really don't want to know if your doing this, but all I'm saying is, use protection, because I swear if my little Er, here gets prego, I'm kicking you. In the ass."

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