Tristan Imagine.

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For: Melissa_1507  (a.k.a Melissa)

Melissa's P.O.V

We'd already been on a date before but we both agreed that we should just stay friends because that certain 'spark' wasn't there. Personally, I thought it was but he obviously didn't. On that first date we had I was extremely nervous and he seemed quite distracted, like something was happening at home. He just didn't seem right and I'm saying that and I'd known him for an hour, maybe just a little bit more.

I didn't really get to know him because he seemed quite distracted and we only ever asked about simple things like: brothers and sisters, pets, where we grew up etc. I never got to find out more about him.

I was out shopping one day with some friends and they pointed Tristan out to me through the busy crowd. He saw me too and just looked away. We carried on looking in the shops. About an hour later Tristan came up to me.

"Where do I know you from. I recognise you but I don't know why." He said.

My heart dropped.

"We went out on a date a few months ago but you said that you'd just prefer to be friends." I replied.

"Ohh right... Ermm... Well this is a bit awkward." He said.

I didn't know what to say.

"Do you maybe want to try again... I mean go on another date to see if things are different now." He said.

"Yeah sure." I said.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7." He said and then walked away.

Is the only reason that he asked me again is because he feels guilty about the first time?


He came and picked me up at 7 and took me back to the restaurant where we had our first date. Things were different this time - he didn't seem so distant and distracted and he had his full attention on me. We talked all night long and I actually got to find things out about him.

Half way through the date he admitted that he wasn't exactly all there last time. He explained that his grandma was in hospital and he was just really worried about her. He apologised so much for the way he spoke at the end of the last date, how he said he just wanted to be friends even though you hadn't gotten to know each other enough to decide that.

After we'd finished our meal he walked me home and that's where we had our first kiss.

Our second first date definitely went better than the first date.


First imagine of the book and first imagine that I've written for a few weeks. I hope it was ok!!!

Katie xxx

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