Brad Imagine.

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For: @Pia_Ormido (a.k.a Sophie)

Sophie's P.O.V

A few years a go I got pregnant. I was so excited because I thought it would bring me and my husband closer together. I can remember the day like it was yesterday when me and Brad got married. But since the birth of a daughter Jane he's been so distant.

He'd gone out again tonight thinking that he can get away with anything he does but I'm sick of him doing this, not only to me but to Jane also. He has a different group of friends for each night so that they don't get caught by their girlfriends and wife's.

I don't even know what he does when he's out. He gets so drunk that he can't even remember what happened. I'd love to go out and follow him to see what he does, but someone has got to look after Jane.

I heard stumbling footsteps out side and heard him with the key in the door.

I waited up knowing that he can never get his key to fit in the lock. I'd go and open it normally but tonight I let him struggle. He got so frustrated that he started kicking the door. Until there was a hole in the bottom of it. Then he started hitting the glass. This was all because I wouldn't let him in. He walked away and then came running back, his face full of anger, but he tripped over the front step. He didn't hurt himself. He finally got his key in the door and swung it open so that it hit the wall behind. He just looked at me.

"You could've opened it." He said and then started to walk away. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back.

"I've had enough Brad! Every night you come home, no matter what day it is, you can never stand up straight or talk in full sentences. I'm giving you a week in the spare bedroom to get your act together or I want a divorce. Jane is better off being brought up with no dad rather than a drunk one." I screamed at his face, probably waking Jane up.

He didn't say anything and just walked upstairs into a bedroom and locked the door. He frustrates me so much. I was waiting for him to get up in the morning so that I could have a go at him again. This time I'd do it louder because I know that he will have a hangover and I don't care if I make it worse, I've had enough of him leaving me and Jane. He's either a husband and a dad or a single drunk.

"I don't care what you say or do... You've got two options. Get out now or prove to me this week that you still love me and Jane or else you're out. I've managed for however long you've been drinking on my own so I think I can do it if you leave." I said when he came downstairs.

"Just shut up and get me some tablets for my head." He replied.

"GET OUT!" I screamed.

He didn't listen so I just got hold of him and pushed him out of the door. Then I ran around the house, checking all the doors and windows were locked and closing all the curtains and blinds.

I got a text message from Brad.

1 message from Brad.

If you let me back in I'll sleep in the spare bedroom and I'll promise to be a better dad and husband to my two favourite girls. I won't drink and I'll take you out more, starting tomorrow, we'll go to the beach. As a family.

I was so happy that he's finally realised what he was doing to us but I still left it another five minutes till I went and opened the door.

1 message from Brad.

Please, I promise.

After he'd sent me that message I went and opened the door for him. He gave me a hug straight away and went racing towards Jane. He sat down on the floor next to her and started playing with her. The man I married was back.


I'm under 30 imagines now!!!! Wooooh!!

I'm going to keep it under 30 so that I can get through them and start to take some of the pressure of myself.

Hope this was ok for you!!

Katie xxx

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