Brad Imagine.

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For: Weeklyloveforchris (a.k.a Elsa)

Brad's P.O.V

I felt sorry for her. She's been up all night. I could tell she was ill. We've gotten so close recently that I just know her inside and out. I could tell yesterday that she wasn't feeling right but I know she didn't want to ruin the day for us.

Yesterday was our one year anniversary of being together. I took her out for a meal and well... Not to be mean but she didn't look the best (she looked really ill). When we got home last, she just went straight to bed because she said she was tired. She spent the majority of the night; awake, tossing and turning. I got the shock of my life in the early hours of this morning when she wasn't there. The bed was cold showing that she'd left quite a while ago. The bathroom door was open and the light was off. Where is she? I decided to go and search for her just in case something had happened. I checked the other rooms which were upstairs in our house, then I started to walk downstairs. Normally you can hear people when they're downstairs (that might just be because we're all noisy!) But, I couldn't hear a thing. I checked the whole of the downstairs and she was still nowhere to be seen...

But then I caught a quick glimpse of the outline of a person sat outside. I found her!

She was sat outside on the garden steps with nothing more than shorts and a tshirt on. It's November, 3 in the morning and very cold. It even snowed last week! Before I went outside I quickly ran upstairs to get the blanket so I could wrap it around her.

I quietly stepped outside and she didn't hear me. She was just sat there on the step, staring into the distance. I went and sat down next to her which startled her slightly. I carefully wrapped the blanket around her.

"You're freezing Elsa!" I said.

"I was too warm in bed and I knew I was keeping you awake so I came outside." She replied.

"You didn't have to come and sit outside though!" I said as she began to shiver.

"Come on, let's go back inside. I'll make you some hot chocolate." I added.

She only drinks hot chocolate when she's ill and as soon as I said it she began to cry. I wrapped my arms around her to give her extra warmth as she cried into my shoulder. It seemed like such a relief for her when she found out that I knew she was ill.

"Come on." I said as I started to help her stand up.

We went inside and I lay her down on the sofa and wrapped the blanket around her.

"Do you want cream and marshmallows too, darling?" I spoke softly.

She just looked at me and nodded. She's so cute sometimes! I made her the hot chocolate and took it to her before lying down next to her in the sofa. I could feel myself falling to sleep - it was 3 in the morning - but I let myself sleep, knowing that Elsa was warm and safe.

Not long after, I was awake again. Elsa was asleep next to me, still wrapped up in the blanket and looking just as cute as always. I got up quietly to go to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Nutella on toast was always her favourite. I started to make it and I could hear her waking up. After if finished making the toast, I took it back over to her before a smile appeared on her face.

"You know how to treat me when I'm ill." She said.

I could tell by the way she looked and spoke that she had the flu and the next few days would be some of the longest as she tries to get over the worst of it.

The rest of the morning was spent watching our favourite childhood films - I'd already phoned Joe and explained that I wouldn't be able to make it into the recording studio because Elsa was too ill to be left on her own.

Later on in the afternoon we ordered pizza from Dominos and watched more films as we were cuddled together on the sofa. We both fell asleep half way through watching High School Musical 2...


This is the first imagine that I've done in a long time!!

I hope it's ok!!

Not sure what or when the next update will be - hopefully soon!!

Katie xxx

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