Tristan Imagine.

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For: emmajayne_dunn (a.k.a Emma)

Tristan's P.O.V

Tonight was my first date with Emma. I didn't know much about her but I was hoping that I would be able to find out lots more tonight. She seems really interesting and someone that I could see myself spending a lot of time with!

I always find the first few dates a bit awkward so I didn't want to go anywhere too formal. I knew that she was a fan of Doctor Who and Star Wars so I thought it would be a good idea to take her to the cinema for our first date. They were screening all the old films and episodes of all that sort of stuff. Plus, I'd never seen any of them so I thought that I should educate myself and then that would be something to talk about if either of us went quiet at any point. I'd also decided that we should go somewhere that wouldn't be that posh, I'd give her the choice of where to go but I was thinking more Nando's or Pizza Hut. Everyone loves Nando's!

I'd told her I would meet her at the shopping complex where everything was. I didn't know where she lived and we were a bit rushed when we were talking about what we should do. I just tried to make things a little more simple for the pair of us.

I'd got there a bit early so that I could buy the tickets and mentally prepare myself - it had been a while since I'd been on a date. I didn't know what to expect really, I just hoped that it would go well because I really like her, I think she's really sweet.

Time seemed to fly by and before I knew it, there was a tap on my shoulder. I looked up from my phone (I was checking Twitter, Instagram - all that sort of stuff) and looked to see who it was. It was Emma.

"Oh... Ermm... I'm sorry, I didn't realise what time it was." I explained.

"It's ok, don't worry." She replied.

She looked amazing. She was wearing a blue and white lace skater dress with tights and black boots. She hadn't gone over the top with what she was wearing and her make up was natural.

"Just how I like it. Wait what?" Did I really just say that out loud?


She just looked at me and giggled. I must seem like such an idiot.

"What have you got planned then?" She asked.

"I know you like Star Wars so I booked us tickets to one of the films. I don't know which one. I've never seen them. But I'm willing to watch them all. You can tell me about them. Explain everything to me then I know what's going on. Am I rambling?" I could feel my face getting warmer.

She looked at me and smiled.

We walked into the cinema screen and sat down. We both got there quite early so they hadn't even started playing the adverts yet and there was no one in the room except for the two of us.

We took this time to learn the basics about each other. I found out that she had an older brother and that I was slightly older than her. We seemed to get on very well but everything has to get ruined... The lights dimmed and the cinema screen came on and started to play the adverts before the film started. The noise became too much and we couldn't hear each other talking. We gave up trying to listen to each other because it just became too hard.

Emma's P.O.V

He was so much nicer than I expected. But as always everything has to get ruined. I was just starting to feel like we were connecting but the adverts for the film had to ruin it. I can't wait for us to find out more about each other after.

At first I did find things slightly awkward but that's what I had expected, we hadn't really talked properly before now other than sorting out what we should do for our first date.

I thought it was so nice of him to bring me to something that I liked, actually I love. It was so nice of him to do this when he hasn't seen any of them himself. He's so thoughtful!

Honestly, I already liked him. We'd only been together and talking for a little more than 10 minutes but I could already see the spark between us.


The film had ended and I couldn't wait to see what he thought when we got outside.

"What did you think?" I asked.

"Ermmm... I think that I will have to watch a few more to really get into it but you can always help me and tell me what goes on... I'm pretty clueless!" He explained.

We got outside the cinema and it was a lot later than I expected. Obviously, time flies when you're having fun!

"You've got a choice. I haven't booked anything for now because I thought it would be better to go somewhere less formal. But you can choose where you want to go. There's Nando's, Pizza Hut, McDonalds, KFC, Bu..." He started.

"It's ok. I can see what there is." I said.

He was looking round at all the restaurants and reading them from left to right. There was a klot of restaurants and it could have taken him a long time read them all out loud.

"Errrrrmmm... Nando's?" I half said and half asked.

"James would be proud." Tristan said and we both immediately laughed afterwards.

We went to Nando's and had the most perfect dinner. We talked, we laughed and we also made plans to go on another date next week!

I can definitely see us spending a lot of time together in the future!


I hope this is ok!! 

There might be a bit in the middle that's not so good - I was writing this whilst walking home!

Katie xxx 

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