Connor Imagine.

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For: st4rgazer  (a.k.a Scarlett)

Connor's P.O.V

I'd got up this morning and decided I wanted to do something different than normal. I woke up and got out of bed and went straight to the iPad that I'd left downstairs from last night. I checked the weather forecast for the rest of the day because you can never actually trust the weather that you see outside. One minute you look and it's nice and warm and sunny, the next it's pouring down and goes really dark and gloomy. It actually said that the wether should be fine today. I went back upstairs and got dressed and then I went into the bedroom next door to mine and Scarlett's. My beautiful baby girl was fast asleep in her little bed. Lily was about 3 years old and we really hadn't spent that much time together. The band had a couple weeks off when she was born and we've had a few weeks here and there, but I've never had a long amount of time just with her alone.

I woke her up and started to get her dressed. Jeans, T shirt, denim jacket and mini converse. She looked so cute. I picked her up and took her back into my bedroom, where Scarlett was still asleep. I put Lily down on the bed and she ran over to her mum and started to kiss her and jump up and down on the bed. My two girls.

"Good morning." I said to Scarlett and she smiled back.

"Me and Lily are going out so you can have a day to yourself. You can do whatever you want." I added.

She just smiled again.

I picked Lily up and took her downstairs, gave her some breakfast and wiped her face afterwards because it went everywhere. I then picked her up again and took her out to the car and out her in her car seat. I'd even put her hair up in a ponytail and she looked adorable. She was my own little North West.

It didn't take us that long but we got there. I got out of the car and went to get Lily. She was so excited that when I put her down she started running round me.

"Daddy, beach. Daddy, beach. DADDY, BEACH!" She shouted whilst pointing down to the sea.

I took hold of her hand and we walked to the little shop and bought a bucket and spade and a little blanket. Then we went down to the beach front. She helped me lie the blanket on the sand straight them she started digging with the spade. She was trying that hard that she was getting sand on me even though I was behind her. After a bit I showed her how to make a sandcastle. It didn't take her long after that for her her to build a whole fort around the blanket.

I then took her down to the water where we played a game. We waited until a wave came close to us and then we ran away from it so that we didn't get our shoes wet. She couldn't stop laughing at it was so cute!

After a bit we went back to the shop and I bought her an ice cream. It. Went. Everywhere. I don't know how but she even had it on her forehead. I wiped her whole face and while I was doing it I could see some little ponies in the distance.

"Do you want to ride a horse?" I asked her and she nodded her head instantly.

I put her on my shoulders and held onto her legs so that she wouldn't fall and I started walking towards the ponies. It didn't take us long to get there. I payed the man and sat her down on the horses back.

"Hold on." I said and she held on tight to the saddle but I also had my hand on her back just in case.

The horse rode up and down and then she had to get off but the man said she could stroke the horse before we left. I put her back on my shoulders and walked back to the car. She was upset to leave.

We got back home and Scarlett was waiting for us.

"Did you have fun!" She asked.

"Yes!" Lily screamed and then told her everything that we'd done.

It didn't seem like we'd done much but it was just nice to spend a bit of time with her which we both enjoyed a lot.

The next day I was on my iPad messing about and looking at things when Brad sent me a link to a magazine website. It said:

Cute Connor Ball takes adorable daughter Lily to the beach.

Then there was a few pictures. One of us holding hands and running away from the waves. One of us when she was on my shoulders and another one when she was on the horse and I was helping her down.

I showed it Scarlett and she nearly started crying at how cute it was.

"I love you." She said.


I'm bacckkkkk!!

I've had exams and stuff recently so I've been a bit busy, but I'm not at school for two weeks now so I can write!!

I've got loads of Christmassy themed chapters coming soon and I'm really excited to write them!!!

Katie xxx

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