Pre - Christmas Update!

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I know it's been a long time but I just wanted to give you all a quick update about whats going on.

Guess what? I'm crazy busy (when am I not?). I worked out the other day that I'm going to get a maximum of four days off over Christmas because of how much I'm working and doing work experience!

I'll let you know whats going on in more detail in a few weeks but at the moment this is just going to be short and sweet as I mainly want to ask you a favor.

If any of you have any pets you could really help me out. I have a project at college and really need to get as much information as possible from people so if you could just take two minutes to fill in the survey it will be really helpful! I don't know if you'll be link so if not you can DM me and I'll send it to you that way. I'ts free and really simple so if you've got a few extra minutes it will really help!

I'll put something else up in another couple of weeks.

Thank you for almost 1.5m reads altogether! It's mad.

Thank youuuuuuu!!!!

Katie xxx

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