James Imagine.

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For: justanxtherfangirl (a.k.a Zoe)

James's P.O.V

"Where are you going?" I asked her for what felt like the hundredth time this week.

"I'm going out with Connor." Zoe replied.

I'm not even joking. She has seen Connor everyday for the past two weeks now! She's been seeing him more than I've been seeing her - and I'm her boyfriend!

This time I decided to follow her, just to see what she was getting up to. She was making me feel like she was pushing me out so that she would have more time and room for Connor. I don't like it, I'm losing my girlfriend...

I got some shoes and my coat and left the flat. I followed her, making sure to keep my distance so that she wouldn't see me. She ended up walking down this back street and towards a car. I stayed and watched from the end of the street so that I didn't get spotted.

She got into the car and it drove away. I began to worry and panic. Something didn't seem right about where she was going. As I walked home I thought about all of the different scenarios that could happen to her. I actually scared myself quite a bit. I didn't know what to do. Do I just pretend like I didn't see anything and just carry on with what I was doing or do I try and stop her or find out what she's doing?

She got back later that night and I really wanted to find out where and what she'd actually been doing. But I didn't want to just ask her because then she'd know that I'd been following her.

"I've got a confession to make. I followed you out this morning because I was worried and found it extremely strange that you'd seen Connor everyday for the past two weeks. I saw you getting into a car down the back street. I've been worried sick ever since then." I said.

"I knew this day would come. I just didn't have the confidence to tell you what was going on... I found out recently that I have a brother. My dad told me. So I'd been trying to find him. I found out that he lived in America and we'd been texting and talking for a while. Two weeks ago, he came to the UK and I'd been spending some time with him, getting to know him. I didn't tell you because of who he is." She said, almost in tears.

"Who is he?" I asked.

"Levi, Levi Jones." She replied.

Levi was in a huge band called The Tide. They'd grown quite a lot and had become really popular recently.

"I was meeting him down the back street because we both didn't want anyone seeing us. We didn't want them making up rumours about us that could damage mine and yours relationship. I didn't tell you because I knew that The Vamps and The Tide were going to be doing some work together and we didn't want the 'secret' to slip into the media. We also didn't want it to effect the friendship and work that you would be doing. We thought it would just be best to keep it a secret whilst we figured out how to tell everyone." She explained.

"I wish you'd told me sooner. I don't know what you were afraid of. I was getting worried that you weren't interested in me any more and preferred to be with Connor because he was your excuse." I replied.

"I know and I'm sorry. We actually decided today that we were going to tell people that we were brother and sister but we didn't know how." She said.

"I'm just glad that we're ok. I thought you were going to break up with me or something." I said.

"Why would I do that when I love you so much?" She replied.


I put a little twist on what you'd asked for - I hope it's ok!!

Katie xxx

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