Brad Imagine.

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For: Lila5sauce  (a.k.a Jade)

Brad's P.O.V

Jade's birthday was fast approaching and I had no idea what to buy her. I couldn't buy her make up because I have no idea what to get. I couldn't get her food because she'd kill me and I'd probably eat it anyway! I could get her flowers but because we both live separately, at our parents houses (in the UK) she wouldn't really be able to enjoy them because most people would just think that they were her mums. But then it hit me... SURPRISE HOLIDAY!

I immediately got on my phone and started searching for the perfect holiday for the two of us. Then I found it! It was perfect, we would have the best time. I can't wait. I booked it and made sure everything was right... We left in 3 days! The holiday was expensive but I didn't care - she was worth it! I wanted to try and keep it a surprise for as long as possible but I knew she would freak out if I didn't say anything. She'd forget something or she'd take the wrong type of clothes. I decided to text her - I needed to give her enough time to pack.

1 message to Jade-

Right. I'm taking you on your birthday present in 3 days, you need to pack a suitcase with enough clothes for 2 weeks, which are suitable for a hot place. Love you!xx

It really didn't take her long to reply!

7 messages from Jade-


Each message was separate and that's only a few of the messages she sent. My phone just suddenly froze from all the messages she had sent me. Then she started to ring - she didn't stop!

I just decided to ignore her for a bit, let her have a think about it, plus I had a bit of sorting out to do with the holiday - I wanted to make sure that nothing would go wrong!

After I'd triple checked that everything was right, I started to pack so that if I didn't have anything, I'd have 2 days to go and get it. It turned out that I had a lot of washing to do and I needed to go shopping for things like; toothpaste, soap, shampoo etc.

Jade hadn't phoned me for a few hours so I decided to ring her.

Calling Jade.

J: What?

B: Hello to you too.

J: Why haven't you answered my text messages or phone calls for the past 3 hours?

B: Because I just felt like it and I needed to make sure that everything was right before you got too excited.

J: So are you going to tell me where we are going?

B: No!

J: Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

B: Because it's a surprise and if I told you where we're going, it wouldn't be a surprise any longer.

J: But can you tell me what I'm going to need though?

B: Things that you would normally use and wear in a hot country like shorts, bikini, sun cream and you're going to need a lot of things to keep you occupied with on the plane.

J: So it's a hot country far away.

B: Yeah.

J: Right, well I've got a lot of shopping to do so I'll speak to you later.

B: Ok, love you!

J: Love you too.

Phone call ended.

I think this is the most excited I have been for a holiday in my whole life. I've never had a holiday like this before and I haven't really been on a proper holiday with Jade before either!

The three days had passed and it was time to get up for the flight. It was 4 in the morning and the taxi is picking me up at 5 and then going to Jade's house and then picking her up too.

It seemed like it had only been seconds since I woke up and the taxi was waiting outside. I said goodbye to my mum and dad who'd got up at the same time as me. The taxi beeped his horn like he couldn't be bothered waiting any longer. It only took a few minutes to get to Jade's house and she was sat in the window waiting. She ran out with her suitcase dragging behind her like an excited little girl. The taxi driver got out to help her out her suitcase in the back and then she got in.

"When am I going to find out where we're going?" She asked.

"When we get to the airport. But first, you need to decide if you want to know everything or when each little bit happens." I replied.

"I don't need to think, I want to know everything now!" She said.

"Fine, but you have to wait till we get to the airport." I replied.

It didn't really take that long to the airport but we hadn't even got out the car before she asked again.

"Right we're at the airport. Where are we going?" She started to shout.

"Wait till we're inside and looking at the boards with all the flights on." I replied.

I knew she couldn't wait much longer.

She basically ran inside with both of our suitcases hoping that it would speed us up and when I got into the airport terminal she was stood looking up at the many boards above her.

"Have a guess where we're going." I said.

"Paris?" She asked.

"No." I replied.

"There's over 100 flights on this board I'm not going to guess them all, please just tell me!" She said.

"And you want to know everything?"I questioned.

"Yes, EVERYTHING!" She shouted.

"Right well... Firstly, we are flying to Los Angeles and spending three night in LA." I said.

She started to jump up and down in excitement.

"And then we are flying from Los Angeles to Hawaii and spending seven night there." I added.

Her jaw dropped.

"And then finally, we are flying from Hawaii to San Francisco and spending four nights in San Francisco before flying back home!" I said.

She didn't say anything she just wrapped her hands around my neck and hugged me and then she grabbed hold of my hand and dragged me to check-in. To say she was excited was an understatement!


Hope it's ok!!

I'm seriously sorry that these are taking so long to write!

Katie xxx

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