Brad Imagine.

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For: ladders_with_dil  (a.k.a Coral)

Brad's P.O.V

I always have these moments when we're going from venue to venue on the tour bus when I just think about things. Lately, I've been thinking more about my childhood and the things I remember and the things I miss. I like being in one of these kinds of moods because it makes me happy. I think about all the good times and all the sad times and I begin to feel all the emotions like it's happening again right now.

One of the main memories that I remember from being a child is spending so much time with the girl I used to live next door to at the first house I lived in.

What was her name now? Ohh yeah it was Coral. We first met when we were about 3. We would go round to each other's houses (next door) and have play dates so that each of our mums could have a bit of time off from looking after us. She had a little table that we would draw pictures on and we would have our lunch on it too. I also remember the day that we were too big for it and they took it away.

Just thinking about it makes me smile. We went to the same primary school and we were really close then too. She was the only person I knew and I was the only person she knew. We spent a lot of time together through primary school but then we chose to go to different high schools and I've not seen her since! It would be so nice to see her again.

We were getting close to the next venue so I had to get all my things together so that I could get off the bus without the other guys having to wait for me.

"Hello Birmingham!" I whisper to myself as I walk down the steps of the tour bus. We have the concert tonight and then we get a few days to do what we want before the next show.


The show was amazing just like it always is when I'm in my hometown. And to top it off I get to go home and spend the next couple of days with my family. I'll probably end up shopping with my sister - we've not had any time together on our own for ages.

When I get home, I feel so energetic and still have the adrenaline pumping through me. There's no way that I'll sleep now. I decide to stay up for a bit and go back to the little world that I was in before. The one where I was thinking about the past. I like it there.

I spend ages thinking about it, I don't even realise the time! I'm almost falling asleep on the sofa and decide that it would be best for me to go to bed. After all I've got a big shopping trip ahead of me tomorrow!

Coral's P.O.V

I got a text from my friend saying that we should go and have some retail therapy today as she's not seen me for ages and she been really stressed out at university. I agree to go with her - I need some new clothes. I start to get ready. I do the usual... Shower, hair, clothes, makeup.

Before I know it I'm in our usual meeting place, sat having a drink in Costa waiting for her to turn up as she's always late.

30 minutes late, she turns up and our shopping haul begins! We start off in New Look, Zara and Topshop, the places that I get most of my clothes from. I've bought loads and my friend... She's bought nothing. I tell her that she can go and look round some more shops. I know I've only been in 3 shops but I'm all shopped out, I don't think I can carry anymore bags!

"I'll meet you in Starbucks in a bit. Text me when you're coming." I say as she becomes more distant.

I sit in Starbucks and just do what I normally do... Waste time messing about on my phone. Checking Instagram then checking Instagram again just in case something happened in the split second that I wasn't on it.

I'm half way through my drink, the door opens and I look up.


Bradley Simpson. I've not seen him for years. He holds the door open for his sister and then turns around and looks straight at me.

Brad's P.O.V


Is that really Coral? It's so weird that I was just thinking about her and then I see her. It's crazy. I smile.

I get my drink and then I go over and sit with her.

He laugh and talk for hours. My sister got bored and left but I wasn't bothered. We were still in Starbucks when they were closing and they not so politely asked us to leave. We found a little bar and carried our conversation on there.

I've missed this.


Again... I'm extremely sorry that this has taken so long! I hope its ok for you!!

Katie xxx

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