This is the end.

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A lot has been going on recently and I've spent quite a lot of time thinking about Wattpad.

As most of you know I started college back in September. I chose to go to the college that was the furthest away from where I lived because I needed a fresh start and I needed to get away from my past and this seemed like the perfect way. I started college with one person that I knew and now I'm surrounded by the most amazing people!

It takes me three hours and 4 trains to get to college and back everyday. I also get a lot of homework, I have a job and I've still got to fit time in to see my best friend and other very special people. So overall that leaves me with virtually no time to do anything else.

It's taken me a long time and a lot of thinking to come to this decision but no more imagines or preferences will be published. I still have a list of over 30 that I need to write! But I will be messaging all of you over the next week explaining. I'm so sorry to everyone that had to wait for so long but it's just physically impossible for me and I hate letting you down after everything that you've done for me!!

When I first started Wattpad, I loved writing and I loved writing about The Vamps. Things soon got out of control very quickly (in more ways than one) but the only thing that improved was your support.

Never in a million years did I think that I'd reach 1M!!!

After reading someone's comment the other day, I read the chapter that they'd commented on and it was like it was the first time I'd ever read it.

I think when it gets to that point it just shows that your heart isn't in it any longer. A few years ago I had everything planned out in my head and I knew what was going on. Now I've just lost all motivation!

Altogether I've written 93 imagines and 163 preference chapters!! I'm actually pretty proud of that myself but I can't do anymore.

I'll spend the next few weeks going through and editing everything I've done for the final time - changing spelling mistakes, grammar and removing any personal or irrelevant A|N that I no longer want people to see.

I may also upload a chapter every couple of months giving you an update of what's going on with me but there will be no more chapters.

Everything is going to stay up for now and I'll be checking my messages every couple of days so message me if you want anything.

Thank you for everything that you've done for me and I'm sorry that it's all had to come to an end.

I love you all!!

Katie xxx

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