Brad Imagine.

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For: Isabella

Isabella's P.O.V

I'd had a tough time over the past few weeks and Brad hadn't been there at all. I don't even know if he knows what's been going on. It's like he's not been here. Yeah, he is on tour but that has never stopped him from coming home. If he was ever nearby he would drive home and spend the night with me instead of being in the hotel with the rest of the guys. He would FaceTime and text me... It just seems like he's disappeared. I barely hear anything from him, only the things he puts on Twitter and Instagram. I'm his girlfriend and the fans are getting more attention than I am at the moment!

The hate from the fans was the highest it's ever been. I understood when I first got with Brad that there would be some people that wouldn't like me but it seems to be everyone now! I'm always getting messages and comments on my pictures about how much they hate me and Brad can do so much better without me, that I'm just holding him back from reaching his full potential. I've never let if bother me before I just thought it was jealousy but things have changed and I don't know why!

The things that have happened in the past weeks also haven't made my life any better. My brother lost his fighting battle just less than a month ago. I was heartbroken and in need of someone to comfort me. But Brad was nowhere to be seen. The moment when I needed him the most, he was nowhere to be seen!

I lived alone. I did live with Brad but I just felt like I lived alone now. Nobody had said anything and I couldn't take the pain and the hurt any longer. I wanted to be with my brother. He was alone and so was I. In just a short amount of time we could be together! I wanted to be with him and was going to be with him. No one could stop me now. I packed a small bag and left the house leaving a small note for James, Connor and Tristan. Even though they haven't been to see me, they would text me every now and then to check that I was ok - they did more than my own boyfriend!

I left the house without my car and began to walk to where I wanted to be. Not far from where I live now was the house where I grew up and there was a small park across the road where I used to spend endless hours playing games with my brother. We had taken a big plank of wood with us one time and we had created a den under the slide. We would spend hours just talking and messing around there. They're my favourite memories of the two of us together. When I got to the little park, I crawled under the plank of wood and put my bag down next to me... It's not as big as I remember!

I wanted to leave Brad a voicemail but I didn't want to risk him picking the phone up. Words couldn't explain how I first felt towards Brad when we first met and words couldn't explain how I feel now but they were different emotions... Very different!

I still loved him but I loved the Brad I first met not the Brad I know now. He's just changed.

For the first time in a long time I could feel myself falling to sleep and I was quite happy to do so.

I began to dream of the life I wanted. Me and my brother, just like the old times. It made me feel so happy and warm inside. I started to feel my sense of belonging again after all these months of being alone.

I was ready. It was time to leave and be with my brother - I needed him.

As I woke up, I began to think of a way to tell Brad, to explain how I've felt over the past months and where I want to be.

A letter would be too late and I couldn't wait that amount of time to write it - I had to be with my brother.

A voicemail could risk Brad picking up the phone and that's something I definitely don't want now.

The only thing that I could think of was a text... It's a bit immature for the kind of information that will be put in it but it's my only idea and therefore my best idea.

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