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hey quick a/n im changing the style of my writing, so pov's will be bold & there won't be much pov changing throughout the story like last chapter so yeah keep reading


Calum Hood

The sounds of birds chirping and the smell of blue berry waffles woke me. I was startled a bit when I woke up in a different room, but realize I was in Tasha's cabin.

"Morning." Tasha's quiet voice spoke.

I murmured a morning back to her, and ate the waffles in front of me. I thought about me and Luke's conversation last night...


lame-o luke: where are u? ash and bri r looking 4 u

sassy cal; out with tasha

lame-o luke: oooh cookie lady huh (;

sassy cal; i dont even know her last name ://

lame-o luke: ahh.. but anyways, glad ur out buddy (: u prob wanna get going

sassy cal: i got time & so do u. what's the rush?

lame-o luke: get back to ur date

sassy cal: it's not a date, hoe

lame-o luke: new yorkers tend to fall in love with anyone that intrigues them (; that's why van & ash have stuck with me & mikey for so long (;

sassy cal: shut up, being in love & falling in love is different & to love someone u must know things others don't know abt ur partner. love isn't true when u met a few weeks ago

lame-o luke: the time of love doesn't matter, it's the quality of time u spend that makes it love

sassy cal: shut up, lucass

lame-o luke: hey we're landing now, gtg stay safe and think abt what i said abt that love shit


"Cal-pal, don't zone out on me." Tasha nudged me, playfully giving a smile.

"I'm just thinking a lot." I sighed, moving towards the couch.

"About her?" Tasha asked. "I'll help you get over h-"

"It isn't that easy, Natasha." I used her full name to tell her how serious I was.

"Oh, I just thought t-"

"Well, you thought wrong." I turned on the tv and started watching spongebob.

Tasha didn't say anything after that. She sat down on the couch going on her phone. I had a sudden urge to comfort and apologize to her, but I didn't.

Am I ready to move on? Of course not, especially not with some girl I just met. Or is this how love works? Luke and Vanessa's love doesn't work like this nor does Michael and Ashley's love either. Ashton and Brianna don't act this way... I'm being delusional.

Sigh, my life sucks balls.

A few hours after, Tasha drove me home. We didn't say much in the car, mostly because Tasha always ended our conversations. Maybe it was because of her period she's so emotional.

"Oh hey, Cal. How was it with Natasha?" Brianna asked, turning around to face me.

"It was all right." I said, opening my room door.

"Uh, huh. You don't just randomly leave us for a girl and come back saying it was all right." Brianna (and yes i know her name is spelt bryana) crossed her arms, raising her eyebrows at me.

"We didn't frickle frackle, if that's what you were implying." I walked inside my room, closing the door. I was so ready to just sleep in the whole weekend, but Ashley texted me.

ashley roosevelt: hey come over to my parents' place asap

woly shit
cliff(ord) hanger 😂
it's so close to the main plot line and I'm just
love u, dickwads and vagwad

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