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calum hood;

i wanted to talk to tasha, i really did. i went to her house, but her mom threw breadsticks at me and her sister threw her taco on my car. i texted her, but all she replies with is "cal, im busy.". i call her, but it goes straight to voicemail. her voicemail changed. it was "hey, you've reached t. stone! sorry im busy right now. hanging in with the hood, but i'll catcha later!" but now its "busy right now, so leave your message after the beep." did i hurt her that bad?

i left the penthouses and went to central park where everyone was having fun. i ordered a drink so i wouldnt get thirsty, but i didnt get halfway through, since a kid accidentally knocked it over. it was cool actually because im the cup, the soccer ball is tasha, and the drink is my insides. the cup (aka me) is totally fine, but the drink (my insides) got tampered with by a soccer ball (aka tasha) or maybe its the other way around? i dont know, but either way, one of us gets hurt.

i clean up the spilled drink, and go throw it away.

"shit, sorry." i apologized to the person i spilled the drink on.


"cal, its rude to spill drinks on people." she chuckled. she seemed happier. please dont let me think its why it is. please dont.

"sorry, babe." i wiped her shirt and removed it, not caring if people saw. i removed my flannel and gave it to her. thank you luke for making me wear a shirt under it.

"thank you." she thanked, pecking my cheek.

"why are you so insecure when i bring up jay?" she got tense, i know she did.

"cal, i dont. i swear-"

"tasha, a lot of people have told me already." i said, worriedly annoyed.

"you trust them and not me!" she shouted.

"i trust you, but you dont trust me!" i corrected her.

"i trusted you cal, but you cant even tell me why your ex died! you had-"

"i had a right wether or not i should tell you!" i screamed. she didnt respond.

instead she walked away. i didnt want to run after her, i ran to jay. i didnt care anymore. if she felt that way, good. as long as i knew jay loved me.


i woke up next to jay's stone with a blanket and pillow. what the heck?

"you're stupid. never encourage him." i heard, but i stayed still. ashley's voice.

"what else was i supposed to do? he loves jay more than me." my heart hurts so much that tasha thinks that.

"you and calum have a love stronger than anyone. its built on trust and love." ashley is so cheesy.

"i wouldnt say trust." okay, ive heard enough. i faked a yawn to get their attention. tasha, leaving as fast as possible.

"how did i end up here?" i asked, innocently.

"i dont know. i went to visit jay and saw that you camped out here. i knew tasha saw you, so i called her and yeah." ashley explained.

i nodded and left. i decided not to take the pillows, knowing ashley would take care of it. i caught up with tasha.

"hey baby." i wrapped my arms loosely around her waist.

"hi." she giggled.

"can we talk? we wont fight, promise." i assured her and she nodded.

"you mean a lot to me and i dont want to lose that. you're my world, the reason i havent given up yet. i just wanna know why you wont treat me that way. why you think that jay means more than you. i wanna know why. you're everything to me and i dont want to lose that, so just tell me why." i rambled.

"you and jay have something i would never provide." she whispered. "she's everything you want. when we went on our road trip, i was really hoping jay didn't do it. then ashley told me that she already did, i gave up. everything i try to do, jay has already done." she continued.

"why do you think you do that? plus, you still never answered my question. why are you so insecure when it comes to jay?" i asked again.

"i try to think like jay." she admits. "because since jay was the love of your life, i tried to recreate that. im insecure because i know what i'll do, jay has done better."

"natasha leilani stone, jay is in a better place. its me and you, now." i kissed her. and she kissed back. butterflies and flowers are growing. everything is great.

this love, this type of love, can only be from natasha stone and i wouldn't trade it for anything. not even jay. especially, not jay.

tasha pulled apart and i smiled. new york was a lot more full now. the streets were crowded, the sidewalk full of toursits and new yorkers, i even saw the ally cat with her friends roaming the trash cans. this is what it feels like when you're full of love, so will the world.

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