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Why keep crying...still I'm dead
Why keep trying. ..still I'm dead
I am dying so much still...I tried to be strong...I really did, it got me nowhere. I try, I try so hard, I'm not a liar, but the truth pushes me down, it hurts me so bad not to be able to say yeah i. So and so age sovwhat?? But I'm judged, bad. I want to say hey guys, I'm boy..but I'm judged, bad. I scream hey I'm girl, but find out its body of boy, bad. So when I look in mirror all I see is BAD. If Noone sees me as anything but bad, how do you think I see me?? You all judge me on a number, a thing I can't contol
When did I ever judge you?? Do I say omg he/she is 14 I can't relate or talk to them no no no FUCK ALL OF YOU...GODAMNIT I'm crying do hatd..have I ever asked for any revealibg info about you? NO pics? NO then why the duck this bullshit judgement of me?? I say nice things because they are deserved!! Fuck when wad the last time your patents told yiu goid job, talked to yiu realky wanting to knoiw how your day was? ? BUT I DO ASK, BUT BECAUSE I'M OLDER I'M APIECE OF SHIT ..because I care about yiu I'm crap I'm nit really giving a shit....then you deserve to be alone it's your own goddamn fuakt....

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