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Before I start this story I want to give my wonderful roommate a shout out for taking the time in making the cover art for this story!

This is now my first official official stab in entering a new fandom as I did post something for this show before but deleted it, but I plan on keeping this up no deleting of this.

So onto this story... it starts in 3B.

If you guys are looking for a pairing you will not really find one in this or I guess I should say it will be more of a slow burn and as of now this will be a standalone story the fate of the sequel depends on how season 5 goes as season 4 does not even exist for me and how they are taking season 5 is questionable.

Although what I have in mind for my character and her story it would probably diverge a lot from season 5 to begin with, but it would be nice to have canon material to fall back on that makes sense.

So before you even begin to read, I want to thank you for taking the time for checking out this story and I hope you like it and reviews are always appreciated!


This was his favorite - preferred - part of his recurring dreams - nightmares. It was before that pressure in his chest would start throbbing accelerating his pulse with a terror that remained unknown - anonymous. All he knew that it terrified him to the point he needed to force himself awake from the dream within a dream. He would scream until his throat was raw and hoarse even then he wasn't sure if he was still awake.

But before the trepidation, the calm before the storm, his mind gave him a reprieve.

He had to travel through a dilapidated house that was waterlogged. Wolfsbane provided the decorations. Sometimes he thought the house represented the Hale House eradicated by Kate Argent. Since the start of all of the supernatural problems seemed to pinpoint back to that one event since it was because of Peter's vendetta that made him bite Scott. Though sometimes Stiles just blamed the Argents in general for not following their code as Gerard's ruthlessness caused Deucalion to become the power hungry Demon Wolf. He still didn't even know what that meant then again the Hales were still a mystery to the pack as no one knew the exact amount of their knowledge or power as Peter wasn't exactly a reliable source.

Sometimes the house seemed to be his and the emptiness reminded him of his mother. How his home had never been the same - it was void. Some days the furniture seemed to resemble his mother's rocking chair or their living room couch. The house wasn't cluttered with case files or on the darkest days scattered empty liquor bottles. Sometimes he wondered what his house - life - would have been like if his mother was still physically alive. Would his life have been plagued with paranormal dilemmas or would he still be trying to get on first line on the lacrosse team.

He never ventured far into the open space of the house on those days.

Then sometimes the house was nothing. It was just a lonely house abandoned by its occupants - neglected. He didn't know the symbolism surrounding those days. Well he believed he didn't. He knew all his dreams were manifested by his subconscious about his fears. His greatest fear that could go along with this setting was his fear of abandonment from everyone he loved.

In the dark on those days, sometimes he believed he saw the faint glow of yellow seep through the black.

His mind was starting to become a labyrinth. After each door, it was just horror and terror. No break just more confusion to what the exit led to.

Sometimes he wondered if he, Scott, and Allison didn't seriously question enough what they were doing when being surrogate sacrifices for their parents. The chain of events that they probably triggered whose debris affected all of Beacon Hills. He also had thoughts that Jennifer knew they would sacrifice themselves triggering the Nemeton. Giving her either more power or she made sure she wasn't the only one going to suffer from their twisted fate. With every adversary they have faced, Stiles felt they were always missing something from the picture. Everyone else always had a plan B to take down the pack. Just when they thought one war was over another started and Stiles realized their mistake. They weren't fighting wars they were still fighting battles. They weren't any closer to a victory especially now since they jump started the Nemeton drawing all the supernatural creatures back to the beacon.

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