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"Scott, I think you have to bite him."

Isaac's statement whirled around in Scott's head as he looked at the severely burned teenage boy in the parking lot of Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital. Scott still was having a hard time grasping that his friend might have done this or was possessed this whole time. Scott knew he didn't take Stiles seriously when he told him about the key and how he might have been the one to give Barrow the code to kill Kira.

Scott knew he was blinded by the fact all of them seemed to be doing okay and he thought Stiles just exhausted himself out worrying about Barrow and Gabriella.

Scott should have taken it more seriously considering the darkness that surrounded their hearts, but he didn't. There was a whole entity inside his best friend and he didn't even know. He couldn't even tell the difference. He should have known when he found Stiles in that empty surgery room standing there in a daze. He should have known since Stiles was the only one that they knew of who hadn't had an encounter with the Oni.

Scott turned his attention back to the boy on the ground as his heart beat was low compared to the ones of Isaac and Allison's.

Isaac and Allison were the ones to find the boy unconscious after Kira absorbed the electricity of the live wire that was cut by the dark fox possessing his best friend.

"Scott, the bite could heal him."

Scott turned to Derek. Scott had a gut feeling if Derek's eyes were still red he would turn this boy whose name they didn't even know. Plus all three of the werewolves could smell the scent of the singed flesh more than Allison could and they could hear his slow beating heart better than she could barely feel from her head on his chest and from trying to feel for his breath.

Scott wanted to refuse to bite this innocent boy. Despite him trying to accept his role as a True Alpha and being a leader he still had doubts how this bite he unwillingly received from Peter was a gift despite what the special abilities may be.

Did he want to extend what was essentially a curse onto another unwilling victim?

A part of him knew though he had to bite this teenage boy. They – him, Allison, and Stiles - brought this dark spirit into Beacon Hills by performing that sacrifice. The Nogitsune may not be possessing him personally, but it feels like he could be by taking the shape of his best friend.

"Scott, if you are going to do it you may have to do it now before his pulse becomes weaker and we call for the paramedics." Allison's rushed and panic voice said breaking his internal turmoil.

Scott knelt down onto the soiled ground as he took in the appearance of the boy. The boy had to be only a freshman he didn't seem a day older and Scott couldn't recall seeing him in any of their classes or even around campus.

Scott wondered what happened after he bit this boy. Was he really ready for this responsibility of having his own beta personally bitten by him? What if this boy couldn't handle the full moons and the primal instincts of an animal? What if he simply ruins this boy's life by biting him?

What happens if his body rejects the bite? He would have to live with the image of black blood oozing out of this boy's injured body ruining it more. The bite might kill him before his wounds could even get the chance too.

Scott grabbed the boy's arm and pulled back the sleeve of his hoodie. The scent of burning flesh filled his nostrils as he thought about the scent Stiles emitted on the hospital rooftop when he was fighting whatever was in him to not cause this. He was trying to protect them somehow. Then that fear – that worry – for his best friend turned into anger as his eyes flashed red and he bit the flesh of the boy who only released a grunt in response.

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