Crimson Dreams

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Gabriella didn't know why she requested to go to his house – to see his room, but she did. She knew she was going to receive odd looks at the first request she made being released from Eichen House, but she needed to see it. After explaining to Scott what happened in Eichen House and handing over the sword with the picture she needed to see something of Stiles who was trapped in his mind.

She needed to see his reality – his world – since she was deeply submerged in it.

No one was in the house. It was dark and empty. She expected it as everyone was still looking for the lost boy. She hated she couldn't be of any help, but the voices weren't talking and she knew it was because they were scared. Lydia, who hasn't left her side since her discharge, was outside in her car as she gave her cousin a moment to herself.

Lydia didn't agree in going to Stiles' house while the Nogitsune was roaming free with Stiles' body. She thought they should stay a hundred miles away since this creature left bruises on her face with a split lip and Morrell told them he was transfixed by their power. Gabriella didn't care. She needed this.

Immediately entering the house you could tell it was a male house that lacked a feminine touched or recent touch. The feminine touch was more fading as if they were trying to keep certain things there but time and age needed to replace it. Gabriella knew it was just Stiles and his dad. Despite her not being in school with Stiles when it happened it's not hard for her to feel the loss or for her to hear the cries of a mother who wishes for her son and husband happiness. Sometimes when she listened to the rain it wasn't always soothing.

Gabriella didn't snoop, but just made her ways up the stairs down the hallway to Stiles' room. It was if her mind already had the cognitive layout even though she only been to this place once in a dream. She remembered the light blue walls that passed for teal, his bed, and desk. She remembered the feel of his soft blue comforter as it was plusher than the standard off white ones issued at Eichen House. She also remembered this brown wooden door she warned him to ignore and to just come back to bed.

Gabriella reached his door and timidly pushed it open.

She lingered out in the hallway as the door creaked opened to reveal his room – his vacant room.

Behind all the pictures that littered his wall she saw his paint was a light teal color like the dream. His furniture was a dark mahogany, except his computer desk which was stark white, which complimented his walls. Gabriella stepped closer to one of his walls and behind the madness of his mind she saw Stiles mixed in there from his music posters that advertised groups she never heard of. She lightly traced the papers on the wall before her eyes caught a picture of Stiles in an athletic uniform next to Scott. They both looked younger as Stiles had a buzz cut and Scott was rocking shaggier hair. Gabriella picked up the picture frame and walked around his made bed and sat in the leather chair covered with a sheet. She felt sitting on his bed was too personal.

Her attention on the photograph she observed they both looked so happy and carefree in the picture. They had no idea how their life was going to turn out and whatever sport this was she assumed they thought there only struggle was going to be trying to maintain good grades to stay on the team, but she suspected that was probably a major struggle in trying to juggle supernatural problems. She placed the picture on his nightstand next to his bed that only contained a lamp and phone.

She could tell since Stiles went missing he hadn't made an appearance in his room. It was cold with absence. No one had been here probably since Stiles admitted himself into Eichen House.

Other than the absence, the room to her was what would be that of any teenage boy. Ignoring the plethora of photos of cases on his wall, he had posters, baseball trophies, more pictures, and a lot of other trinkets scattered around the room. He had more space than she ever had at Eichen House.

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