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Lydia Martin was currently looking at her unconscious cousin who was strapped to the bed by her wrists and ankles, wiping an escaped tear she could not believe she had been here for the last eight years of her life. She woke up to these horrors of this place hearing what she probably heard – the pain and death.

She cannot help but think about when she was in the hospital during sophomore year of course because of supernatural causes. Although when she woke up she had people who loved her waiting for her to open her eyes, but her cousin every time she was probably sent here she woke up alone no one there genuinely caring. Anger cruised through her veins at her own selfish nature back then. How she never inquired about her only cousin. Her thoughts were broken when she heard the clicking of heels approaching her; she scoffed when she saw it is Ms. Morrell who seemingly disappeared after the alpha pack was disbanded.

"I see you found your cousin." Ms. Morrell said as she looked at the sleeping Gabriella. Morrell expected Gabriella to sleep most of the day away although she knew it also depended on Stiles Stilinski. She believed Gabriella let a piece of Stiles' mind slip onto her own, which could lead to disastrous results. She already warned her brother especially after last night with how low and on the verge of death Gabriella got before she screamed.

"I want her released as soon as possible since you are her therapist I bet you can give her approval to leave."

Morrell was not at all surprised by Lydia's request, "I suspected you would request this, but are you sure right now is the best time for her to be released?"

"How is her being here helping her at all? She shouldn't be here."

"No, she doesn't belong here, but there is a lot of unknown factors you don't know Lydia. I think it is safe for her to be here till I deem it is acceptable for her to leave."

Lydia crossed her arms across her chest, "What is that supposed to mean? Did Gabriella tell you about her seeing Stiles?"

"Ever since your group of friends did that sacrifice your cousin has been acting peculiar. Have you read your cousins accident report?" Lydia shook her head no. It is an unspoken agreement between what is left of her family they do not talk about the car crash that killed her uncle. "Gabriella reported seeing yellow eyes that night, at first I thought werewolf," Morrell revealed to Lydia as she was at first so sure that it was a werewolf that attacked the Martin's car, but looking at the whole picture she knew it was something else, "but they don't have yellow eyes. It is more of a golden color. I went to the crash site looked at the car instead of claw marks the car had distinct markings of being puncture with a sword. Now what do you know that has yellow eyes and wields a sword?"

Realization dawned across Lydia's face and putting her hand behind her ear where a burned mark was, "The Oni," Lydia realized that Gabriella survived the crash, but not her dad, "so that would mean her dad – my uncle - was possessed."

Ms. Morrell gave her a smile for getting the answer right, "Exactly. Therefore, at first, I could not understand why her powers seem to be focused on Stiles, but I believe somehow she is connected to Stiles or the Nogitsune that may possess him since he possessed her dad last that I know of."

"But you don't know that for sure..."

"No...I don't, but I think you underestimate how rare you and your cousin especially essentially are. A Nogitsune could really appreciate a banshee at his side."

"My cousin isn't going to be a pawn in some game."

"Lydia, from the moment Stiles stepped into the metal tub Gabriella has been a game piece on the board."

Stiles was sitting on top of the MRI machine in the stark white hospital of Beacon Hills Memorial. He doesn't know if he feels rested after his latest stint where he had everyone worried. Stiles couldn't believe it himself that it was only him sleepwalking where he somehow got into the mangled Martin car in the embankment. He was lucky Scott's dad was able to deduce that he would be there from his and Scott's conversation.

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