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The day contradicted the desolate mood as it was bright and sunny as they all gathered around the closed rose gold casket that was surrounded by various types of flowers from roses to lilies. There was a collage of photos next to the elegant casket highlighting the bright, but short life of the girl resting in it. Gabriella thought the pictures brought back the reality that this was only a teenager who laid here. How this fallen warrior's life was stolen from her.

It wasn't a large crowd. The mourners for the burial consisted of her, Lydia, Chris Argent, Deaton, Scott, Melissa, Stiles, the Sheriff, Isaac, and Derek.

Kira, Ethan, and their friend Danny departed shortly after the private viewing.

Her body teemed with all the guilt of all the mourners were feeling as they tried to compose themselves for their fallen daughter, friend, and first love.

It had been close to a week since everything that happened.

It had been a week since the reality of what had happened settled in, when the absence settled in.

She knew Chris was barely holding it together by a thread.

When arriving to the cemetery she didn't miss that his daughter was going to be buried next to his wife, the dates weren't that far apart.

Gabriella didn't know how this man was going to survive. Guilt was a lethal emotion along with one like hope that ruined. She could see Chris' body trembling as he looked at the casket holding his only daughter. He would never see her graduate, marry, or have kids. He would never see her smile or laugh again.

She knew he was probably thinking that he was a hunter and he should have been able to protect her, as her father he should have been in that casket. He should have been on the receiving end of the Oni's katana.

But there wasn't a violent solution to combat Allison's violent end.

Next to Chris was her cousin who had streaks of black mascara streaming down her cheeks. Gabriella felt her only cousin was still in shock as the reality hit her. In the silence that was when she noticed her friend's absence. Gabriella knew Lydia was hoping her friend would try to talk to her through their frequency only they could hear. Gabriella thought hearing her friend on the other side would be worse. It wouldn't be healthy to hold onto that hope.

Gabriella tried to apologize for failing to deliver the message that could have saved her friend, but Lydia insisted it wasn't her fault. Tragic things like this happened, it couldn't be avoided. It was simply fate. It was fate bad things happened to good people.

On top of her cousin mourning for her best friend, her cousin also had to mourn for a boy that sought her approval to show her he was a good guy. She didn't know if Lydia loved Aiden, but she knew the "what ifs" still hurt as much if she did love him.

Next to Lydia was Scott who was wrapped in his mother's arms. She wouldn't be surprised if the pain of losing his first love would cause his eyes to be glowing red until the wound of this scabbed over or it burned like a tattoo or an open wound. She didn't know Scott and Allison's backstory. She didn't know anything about them. All she knew they were both were 17; Scott held a girl he was in love with in his arms while she spoke her final words and exhaled her final breath.

He heard when her heart stopped beating. A melody like that doesn't ever leave your ears.

After Melissa who was trying to be strong for her son was Isaac who seemed numb. His grief wasn't violent like Chris and Scott's. He was motionless as salty tears rimmed his eyes. From what Stiles told her, he and Allison were tiptoeing into a relationship and Isaac felt that guilt of Allison killing that Oni with her last silver arrow as it went to give him the killing blow for it to be transferred to her.

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