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Gabriella released a loud groan as it felt like she has been hit repeatedly in the head as if she was someone's Bobo doll. She went to move her hands to touch her tender head when her hands were immediately retracted and she felt her skin be pinched by a metal material. She looked down at her hands and found them chained to a fence. She tried to shake her wrists hoping it would magically loosen the bind of the handcuffs that were enclosed tightly around her, but knew unless her wrists magically shrunk she was stuck, and shaking her wrists would just be a waste of energy.

Gabriella took in her surroundings of where she was being held captive. She saw many water tanks and then an area in a cage with school supplies.

"You're in the boiler room of the school." The voice of the Nogitsune called out from the darkness. Gabriella did not respond to him. She kept her focus on her feet that were in front of her as he walked in front of her.

"Did you tell him that he was dying?"

Gabriella knew he was referring to Stiles, but she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of an answer.

He knelt down in front of her and took out her ponytail holder that loosened her hair that was confined in a ponytail and ran his fingers through it.

"The silent treatment... that is very unbecoming of you Gabriella." He told her as he ambushed her neck with his nose and she could feel his breath on her skin a chilling sensation run down her spine like ice. She heard him take a deep inhale no doubt taking in her scent and she almost gagged when she felt his tongue run along the vein on her neck.

"You know I wasn't going to bring you, but I just couldn't help myself."

She watched him walk away, but she stopped him when she began talking, "You're going to die, and I am going to be here screaming with a smile on my face."

The Nogitsune turned and looked over at Gabriella over his shoulder, "You sure about that?"

"I wasn't wrong about your death before was I?"

"Don't miss me too much while I am gone."

If he actually had the energy and stability, Stiles would be up in the living room of the Yukimura pacing trying to decipher why the Nogitsune would have taken Gabriella. Instead, he was sitting down on their couch in the living room his hands in fists and occasionally gnawing on stub of fingernails. "I don't understand why he took her."

He didn't. He really didn't. He took Lydia to know when his death would be enclosing on him to take control over the Oni. He obviously had the Oni so he wouldn't be too concerned with his death he couldn't keep a teenage girl captive forever.

Noshiko set some chamomile tea in front of the troubled boy in front of her, "It has to be all a part of his game."

She really isn't helping. Stiles thought to himself while taking the warm tea. Not once since he stepped in this house has her advice been any good or useful. She had no idea why the Nogitsune was doing this or that and she was the woman that called out for chaos. This creature was part of her lineage of supernatural beings. Since being here all her advice had done was give him the ice cold feeling of dread.

Then his mind wondered back to seeing his friend still in shock blood on his shirt as he began apologizing profusely to Mr. Argent in not being able to save Allison. Stiles didn't know how Chris was going to be able to do it; this world they all lived in destroyed everything in their lives. Chris lost his sister, wife, father, and now his daughter, his whole world. The pack dealt with loss before from Erica and Boyd, it was terrible yes and loss is, but he wasn't close with them as he was with Allison. Allison was the first human they lost. She was Scott's first love and he...he was responsible for her death and the pain all of them were feeling.

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