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"How is she?"

"Despite the blanket her temperature is still dropping. She is on the verge of becoming hypothermic," Nurse Cross informed Morrell as she checked her vitals and placed a warm cloth on Gabriella's forehead. Gabriella had been asleep since her incident with Barrow in the cafeteria. The attending aide was doing room check when they tried to wake up the sleeping brunette, but she didn't budge.

After the twelve hour mark they gave her a shot of adrenaline, but she stayed asleep and then her body started getting cold even Meredith wasn't able to tell Morrell about where Gabriella may be or what was even happening to her. Gabriella was starting to become a medical mystery although they were lucky they did have a supernatural floor. All Morrell knew what creature was influencing Gabriella's behavior it was the how that was concerning. She knew the creature was powerful itself, it didn't need to constantly active host for its power to grow time and age was its allies. Morrell was concerned on why he needed Gabriella to be quiet. Morrell knew Gabriella knew more than what she was letting on, but even if she did know how to stop its wrath she was stuck here. Morrell believed it viewed Gabriella as a threat or he didn't need her to exhaust her powers so soon.

"I am starting to suspect her body put itself in a coma. It's like it is psychosomatic. Whatever is going on in her dream or this sleeping state is affecting her. We won't know anything until Dr. Fenris arrives."

Morrell nodded her head as she took a seat in the longer chair next to the hospital bed where Gabriella laid stuck in her dream. She knew Gabriella getting this deeply stuck in her unconscious state was not a good sign. She knew she was going to have to get Gabriella to open up about these dreams and about Stiles. She couldn't maintain the balance if she did not have the all the facts – all the details.

Stiles hoped Scott would find him soon. He hated that he didn't know how he got here in this basement. He knew it was another sleepwalking episode. His mind barely seemed to retain anything – it was in a constant state of blackouts – since he got that sleep with the help of the sedative from Melissa.

Stiles tried to contain his sobs of fear as he fumbled with his phone as his body shivered from the cold. He knew his battery was on the verge of dying and he needed to conserve much of its life as he could. Despite the cold, he felt the pain in his leg he told Scott about - the heaviness of it. Finding the flashlight on his phone, he aimed it down at his leg only to see it bloody encased in a jaw trap. He couldn't help the scream that tore through his throat. He felt salty tears form a misty trail down his cheek as his mind tried to grasp how he was trapped down in this industrial basement he didn't recognize.

Stiles then heard the clinking of metal moving along the concrete floor with a whimper of pain. Stiles hastily turned his phone to the direction of the sound and jumped when he saw a bloody hand coming from behind a large industrial boiler as it disappeared leaving a smeared bloody handprint in its wake.

"S-Stiles," the feminine voice called out to him in between the sniffling her face was obscured by her hair, but he knew that voice.

"Gabi?" She must have been what he heard when he told Scott that someone else was down here with him. He felt some relief flow through his body, but that must have met they were dreaming, but this felt too real. Stiles looked at his hand holding the phone there was no extra finger. This felt too real.

He watched as she nodded her head as she made movement to get towards him. She was crawling – more like sliding – against the floor that's when he noticed all the blood coating her arms, hands, and shirt and the hiss of pain as she stuttered out to him, "I-I'm s-s-so c-col-l-d."

His light was still shining brightly on her despite his shaking of his hands from the icy temperature, "Gabi, where is the blood coming from?"

"Trap," she told him as pointed to her leg now in view with a jaw trap on her right foot the chain was in her hand though. He couldn't even think about how she was able to move with the pain she was in.

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