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The Sheriff pulled up to the animal clinic where his son informed him where he was. Sighing heavily he thought about what he just witnessed at Eichen House with Gabriella Martin. He was sure that he just brought on another episode for her, what really made his skin crawl was the look she gave him when she told him about the door. But besides the peculiar incident, the hard life she must have been living in Eichen House was evident on her body in her structure. She looked hollow, her skin was an only a little shade darker from when he found her shivering in the woods from the cold and blood loss. Dark bags under her eyes bruised her skin and made her bright blue eyes dull, but at the same time it made them stand out as they shown every emotion she was feeling: anger, irritable, tired, and sad. Turning his car off, he stepped inside the clinic, his son and Scott who were waiting for him greeted him.

Stiles walked up to his dad eager for information about his visit with Gabriella, "How did the visit go?" Stiles was tempted to ask his dad if he would be allowed to go with him into Eichen House, but he knew that would be overstepping boundaries. Then when his dad called him after leaving he knew it wasn't a good visit. He could tell by the multiple deep breaths his father took in between his words on the phone also by his father tone he knew something else happened - something supernatural.

The Sheriff's shoulders visibly slouched down in defeat, "I probably caused that girl to go into a breakdown asking her about that night."

"What happened?" Stiles asking genuinely concerned. He could already envision her blue eyes overflowing like a sink the tears staining her face like running paint the smears being an open wound to her pain.

The Sheriff looked at his son than brought his gaze to Scott knowing Stiles probably told him about Gabriella and beckoned him to come over also, "I really didn't get anything out of her, but at the end she started screaming-"

"Screaming?" Stiles interrupted shooting a questionable glance at Scott knowing another Martin family member does that and he started to suspect Gabriella was indeed a banshee.

"Yes, screaming it literally made my coffee cup explode, but she looked so scared she was trying to tell me something." The Sheriff said obviously distressed about what occurred back in the visitation room.

"Did she tell you something?" Scott asked speaking up.

"She wasn't able to the medicine they gave her put her under, but before she kept saying close the door." The Sheriff informed.

Stiles and Scott both give each other a look at the mention of a door needing to be closed as Deaton just explained they needed to close both of theirs immediately, which the Sheriff noticed, only if he knew how her words hit Stiles the hardest, how she had been warning him in her last appearances in his dreams. "Is there something significant about a door that I should know about?"

"No, no, so are you still going to look into the accident?" Stiles said to appease his dad and not get him to worry more about him then he already is.

"I don't know. I am going to give Gabriella a couple days see if she is up for another visit, but it might just be a dead end." The Sheriff told the two teens sadly, as this will still be marked as an unsolved case and he just opened old wounds for a 16-year-old girl, "But I am going to head to the Martin household to speak with Natalie if she remembers anything significant."

Stiles watched his dad walk away turning to face Scott, "So I take it banshee-ism runs in the Martin household." Stiles said to Scott who looked in deep thought, "Okay what are you thinking about?"

Scott looked at his best friend, "If Gabriella thinks she saw yellow eyes maybe they were her dad's he started to shift for some reason and lost control of the car."

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