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Gabriella froze at the familiar cold rough hand against her mouth. She knew he felt her body trembling in his presence.

He dipped his head down to her neck and she felt his nose trace the vein. A light chuckle vibrated against her ear, "Mmm, you smell entrancing." Gabriella tightened her hold on her covers from the familiar voice belonging to Stiles. "So were you dreaming about an impending death?" He asked as he removed his hand from her mouth.

Gabriella swallowed her fear as she looked at The Nogitsune controlling Stiles' body. His skin was becoming noticeably paler. His eyes were surrounded by purplish bruises. On her stomach she felt blood dripping down on her. "It's not what you think...self-inflicted."

But she wasn't worried about what caused the wound. It was how she heard voices – his past victims' voices – screaming from the crimson liquid.

The Nogitsune looked down at the blood forming a puddle on her and he left out a deep chuckle the rumbled his body, "So what does my little screamer hear?"

Gabriella looked back into the dark spirit's eyes that were amused by her and this situation. In a flash, she felt his hand in her hair tighten around her roots, "This silent treatment is getting old, sweetheart." He told her and his eyes flashed with anger.

"Why are you here? Just to taunt me?" Gabriella said finally speaking.

"Taunt you? No...I saved that for your new little pack you just joined. Setting them on a wild hunt looking for the broken's a shame though how they seemed to forget you are an important player in my game though."

"You can't control me...I would never let you in."

Gabriella recoiled when she felt his hands slither up her body, "I don't want your body. I want your power."

Gabriella turned her head away from him as she felt him dip his head once again to probably smell the fear coming off her like waves.

"You know I promised him I wouldn't hurt you." He told her as he moved some of her hair away from her neck. He traveled down her neck lightly kissing her and softly sucking where he meets the juncture of where her shoulder and neck meet. "But I can't resist."

Gabriella's body went into panic mode and she tried to buck him off her and to get out of his hold but it was no use as his hand tightened around her neck depriving her of oxygen. Gabriella lashed her arms out as she fought for air. She knew she was leaving scratch marks on his arms which only seemed to amuse him more.

Her fear amplified with she saw him smile, but his teeth weren't human teeth they were sharp like fangs and like the bandaged man's form of the Nogitsune. Salty tears leaked out of her eyes as he licked his lips and his head whipped down to her neck and she felt his teeth pierce her skin when she jumped up startled from bed and immediately removed herself from the bed feeling her neck and checking her clothes for blood, but she was clean and there was no puncture marks.

Gabriella walked to her nightstand and grabbed the clock that showed it is only 9:30 in the morning. Next to the clock she saw a note with Lydia's handwriting informing her that Lydia was with her "boyfriend" Aiden, and her mom was out for the day. Gabriella already expected that as she felt Natalie wasn't exactly thrilled with her presence. Setting the note down, Gabriella looked around her room and decided to stick to some of the routine she had at Eichen House and she made her bed while she checked to make sure last night was truly just a twisted dream, which from none of the evidence she found in her bed it seemed it was.

Gabriella went up to her window that overlooked some of the neighborhood. Lydia didn't live in the same neighborhood she did when she was little and she guessed it had to do with her Uncle and Aunt getting divorced. She thought the neighborhood seemed nice though. She like the house had woods in the backyard.

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