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In his bedroom, Stiles connected a piece of red yarn of William Barrow to the picture of the high school on his elaborate murder board. He knew the plaster of his walls would be ruined by the various tack marks and he would probably have to repaint the room or remodel although that was questionable as if his dad was stripped of his Sheriff's title by Scott's dad there would be no funds for that. Stiles knew he would need to get a job soon he couldn't live off his dad or his money left over from his mom's life insurance and since he didn't need to take his Adderall consistently his SSI would probably be discontinued especially after his 18th birthday. Stiles rubbed his forehead in exhaustion. Despite his fatigue, his mind never stopped thinking.

At first, the board was small and fit on a tack board he hung on his wall it only contained facts detailing Gabriella Martin's case, but after school today, he expanded it to Barrow since technically both had reports of seeing glowing eyes even if the cases weren't even remotely related. In addition, he needed to take advantage of the fact he could read at the moment.

He believed somehow the cases were connected. In his mind he felt the wheels turning trying to decipher the connection as if it was all one big code - riddle. When he looked at it too much sometimes it felt like he had mental blinders on to stop him from figuring out what he was looking for. He suspected he needed a third eye to see a connection, but no one had the mind he had except maybe his dad. Although it all came down to the fact with he wanted to save - help - Gabriella from her predicament being in Eichen House and of having to experience the horrors of his dreams. He knew in probably saving Gabriella he could maybe close his door and save himself from whatever wanted through.

Now though somehow William Barrow was connected to this in the bigger picture. Despite them not finding the psychotic killer blowing up kids - werewolves presumably - with glowing eyes in the high school despite Lydia feeling he was there. He still believed she was right. Barrow was there in the school for something - someone. Plus, he knew a few students that fit the criteria of having glowing eyes.

Better yet, where did he go after he got what he wanted at Beacon Hills High school? There was no explosion no bomb wrapped in a box. Stile knew in his gut he was missing something as he drew a rather large question mark next to his print out picture of the high school.

Stiles was surprised his mind could still operate this fast considering how tired he felt at the moment. His eyes felt dry from the strain of reading all the articles he printed and posted on his wall. He knew he would have no trouble in easing into sleep tonight.

"I see you have my cousin on the wall connected to Eichen House, the Nemeton, and you with the red string also? What does all the string mean?"

Stiles turned to look at Lydia who was lying across his bed twirling the red yarn over her finger. He honestly forgot she was in his room watching him as he printed more articles and most likely hearing him speak in chopped sentences as he tried to work out a theory on today's events. Stiles thought how for years and up to a couple weeks ago to be honest how he fantasized of this scenario of Lydia in his room in a different context. Now, he feels those feelings slowly ebbing away and Lydia actually turning into a good and trusted friend. Stiles was startled to realize his feelings for Lydia were changing, but he didn't have time to fully digest this as they were looking for a murderer. His life couldn't revolve around the simple feelings of having a crush anymore. He didn't have time to be a teenager and dealing with his raging and conflicting hormones he needed to deal with murderers, werewolves, Druids, and maybe even Bigfoot. The Bestiary was slowly turning to be his number one book to read for the summer.

Stiles looked at his wall covered in red string connecting to some pictures to other pictures as he answered, "Oh, just different stages of the investigation. So green is solved, yellow is to be determined, blue's just pretty." Blue also reminded him of Gabriella's cobalt eyes.

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