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Stiles was munching on some Reese's cereal at his dining room table. He honestly couldn't remember the last time he actually had breakfast – let alone cereal. It seemed the supernatural world also took over his eating habits. His diet usually consisted of cafeteria food and whatever snack that was in the radius of his hands to be able to grab quickly on the go or he went through a drive thru which was seriously burning a hole in his wallet. He was lucky he had a good metabolism and was on the lacrosse team as curly fries was not beneficial to his figure, but then again it wasn't like any girls were dying to rip off his shirt any time soon. It also didn't help he was constantly around werewolves who just seemed to possess six-packs and toned arms and they didn't seem to own shirts or they simply didn't believe in doing laundry.

He also couldn't recall the last time he sat at his dining room table to actually eat as it usually was scattered with his dad's paperwork of ongoing investigations or his dad was scrunching his eyebrows together trying to figure out what bill needed to be paid first. Stiles and his dad usually ate in the kitchen at the counter or at his dad's office or police issued cruiser.

Moreover, he was used to eating and walking at the same time while either explaining his current hypothesis on what was plaguing Beacon Hills or coming up with a plan.

That thought made him pause mid-bite, as his hand held the spoon in the air milk spilled over the edges and dripped into the bowl causing them to splash ricocheting onto his shirt.

Suddenly he wasn't hungry anymore.

That is when he became aware of the smell permeating in the room from the table. Stiles leaned down and smelt the table.

Was that lemon? He thought. Stiles observed the table and it actually looked polished. Stiles eyed the dining room more and noticed everything looked clean. It wasn't as if he and his dad lived in a pigsty, but it was too clean. The table showed his reflection. The windows were even sparkling and he thought the sun was going to blind him.

Stiles grabbed his now soggy cereal and went into the kitchen where his dad was making coffee and that was when he noticed all the food – healthy food - on the counter. He must have been too tired to even register this although he should have caught it as he was eating Reese cereal. Stiles mumbled a quick good morning to his dad before he checked all the cabinets and fridge stocked with healthy food that he used to have to con his dad into eating. He even noticed his dad bought low-fat creamer.

"You okay, son?"

Stiles pursed his lips together trying to articulate some type of response because he was honestly stumped at the moment over some fresh groceries along with a remarkably pristine house. "Did you go grocery shopping?"

"Yeah I went last night after I finished my shift." His dad answered while pouring himself a cup of Joe.

Stiles hummed in response as he cleaned out his bowl of cereal in the sink, he watched the milk go down the drain the milk reminding him of that white room, and he thought he saw mistletoe floating in the remnants.

"I thought you liked Reese's?" His dad questioned as he watched Stiles clean out his bowl.

Stiles blinked his eyes and turned to his dad giving him a half smile. He looked back down into the sink and realized the mistletoe was a soggy crumb that escaped the confines of the bowl, "I do," Stiles said making quick work of throwing the cereal away, "but I let it get too soggy," Stiles said placing his bowl in the dishwasher.

"Well I bought eggs, turkey bacon, wheat bagels, the kitchen is fully stocked. Also I am going to start leaning back on taking night shifts so we can spend more mornings together instead of our usual hi and bye conversations."

Counterpart|Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now