Prologue: The Hurricane

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Samia POV


The wind whistled as I got ready for school.I turned on my tv and the news channel was on

"Hurricane Katherine is making it's way to the south coast ,passing through the south of Florida making it's way west and up north to the south of Louisiana.Predicted to arrive at the coast of Louisiana in about 3 days-"


"Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding"My phone kept going off with text messages

Miracle-lord I'm praying
Miracle-alright lets just stick together and get through the day cause I'm nervous like a cat in the middle of a highway
Miracle-lemme calm down
Amber-Please Do
Aaleeyah-It's gonna be alright calm yo self
Amber-Yall the elementary and Primary kids don't have school today most of they teachers left to go be with their families and prepare for the hurricane and the wind blew a big tree into half of the primary school good thing no body was in the school when that happened
India-Great way to introduce us 6th graders to middle school 😑

I send a text saying we gonna be okay and bout to get ready for school and start getting ready

"Samia!" My mom called

"In my room!" I said back

"Oh, heard about hurricane Katherine?"she asked and I nod my head

"Well don't you worry ,being at big stable school building is better than being in a weak wood house off the ground and since the hurricane is coming we are gonna have to wait longer until we can start moving to the new house, me and dad and Cindy are going stay with my sister in her nice big stable home while the Hurricane comes , and you will probably come too unless the school decides to let students stay which is safer."She explained

"What do you mean stay?" I asked

"A lot of parents have been calling the school asking if students can stay there at the school which is safe while the Hurricane passes through."

"So kinda like a sleepover at the school?"

"Sure like that I guess,now you finish getting ready, I'll go pack."

I finished getting ready and told my mom, dad, and sister bye

I stepped outside with my umbrella since it's raining.
My mom or Dad would have brought me to school but they have to pack and they say that a bus driver can handle the weather better since they drive a bus almost everyday in whatever kind of weather.

I saw a light in the fog coming down my street
It was the bus

It stopped and I got on and sat next to Aaleeyah.

The bus is kinda quiet, not completely! Kinda

"Hey!you ready for this Hurricane?" She asked

"Not really, It has been storming the past few days but I didn't think it'll lead to this." I said

"Me neither"

The rest of the bus ride we showed and did things on our phones together

The bus came to a sudden stop and Aalee dropped her phone and it went sliding back

"Nooo my phone!" She said to me while reaching under the seat trying to grab it

Someone popped up behind our seat

"This for you?" He said

I scooted to the opposite side of the seat Aalee was sitting on and pretended like I wasn't there

"Oh,yeah thank you." She told him as he handed it to her

"Your welcome" he smiled and sat back down

I turned to Aalee and wispered "how did you enjoy your time with Anthony?"

Aalee turned to me and wispered
"I could care less about a boyfriend right now , but , that felt good!"

I laughed and we talked the rest of the ride to school

****At school****

Me and Aalee got off the bus and there was a sign saying all students to the cafeteria

Me and Aalee found our other friends, Miracle,Amber,and India

"Hey yall" We said

"Hey" they all said

"Aalee, your phone is recording you know?" Amber asked

"Oh must have happened when I dropped my phone, thats a story for later!" She turned the camera off

But then Alexis and Courtney had to show up
"Hey yall what yall talkin bout I'm bored" Courtney said

You see Alexis and Courtney were never our friends and we Never did anything to them, but they talk about us and other people behind our backs ,they copy off of us and stuff and in 4th grade they started telling people that we said this and that about people and thought it was funny

But they don't act mean to our faces , they act fake

And for all the things they did to us I'm pretty sure all of us would say something to them that would get us in trouble or start a fight

And we too pretty to fight

So we act fake right back at them

"Oh nothing just about to go get breakfast" Amber said

And we all got up and went got breakfast . We were in the cafeteria and they were serving breakfast so we all got granola bars and sat at a table closer to the stage in the cafeteria

Our principal Ms.Dawn walked in and asked for everyones attention

"Since Hurricane Katherine is coming our way in about 3 days, a lot of parents have requested for students ti stay at the school since it is safer than at most of yalls homes, on the day before Katherine officially arrives,all students will stay unless your parents have some where else for you to go.
Most of the teachers left for many different reasons so there won't be any teaching in classes but you all will be given work sheets and packets every now and then . Please be prepared for when you come to stay , things you will need are , snacks, because the lunch ladies will leave soon, clothes , you don't have to bring school uniform , but still dress appropriately, flash lights, sleeping bags or/and pillows and blankets , and other things you will need to prepare for the hurricane. Please have a relaxed rest if the day and we are all praying that nothing will go wrong.
I hear many people referring to this situation as a school sleepover ,you can think of it as that."

Everyone started talking

"Wow this is gonna be one sleepover!" India said

Oh my god

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