No Sunlight In My Life

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Authors note: just incase you forgot what Courtney and Alexis look like they in picture at top, Alexis on the left, Courtney on the right

Miracle Pov

After listening to the truth about Alexis and Courtney
Alexis kinda scares me or creeps me out now

We continued sitting in the circle and talking and getting to know Courtney and each other better

Soon it was 12:30
We had been talking that long!

"Ya'll Im gettin' sleepy" Amber yawned

"Me too" I said

"I have some blankets in the closet, I always end up bring one every time I come in here because I always forget blankets when I leave" Courtney explained

She got up and opened the closet door she went in and came back out with 6 blankets

"I'll use my little blanket I bought with me today, and 5 more guess ya'll gotta share blankets"

"Two too a blanket. Wanna share?" I asked Amber


Soon some people were paired up like this
Me & Amber
Samia & Aaleeyah
Ben & Anthony
Tayvion & Kmury

And India and Jaden were left

"Ummm....well we gotta sleep right? We friends right? we good?" Jaden asked India

"Uuuhhhh....yeah...." India said

India Pov

I would like die on the spot
I gotta share a blanket with him , we both move around a lot we gonna be hittin' each other upside our heads in our sleep

Jaden Pov

Ben looked at me and raised his eyebrows up and down

I looked at him like "no"

Shouldn't be bad sharing a blanket huh? We facing opposite directions just our backs touching....

Aaleeyah Pov


Soon everyone was under a blanket back to back, on the big rug, and falling asleep

India Pov


I opened my eyes and saw Aaleeyah on her knees above me and Jaden.....Jaden!

He had his arm around me and we were super close what the


"Oh my god gurl"I said to Aaleeyah
"DON'T SEND OR SHOW THAT TO ANYONE!" I whisper yelled to her ad I noticed we were the only ones up

"Okay!" She said

I started shaking Jaden

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