Terrible weather

148 9 0

|officially day 1 of Hurricane Katherine|

India Pov


We all jumped up from the thunder being so loud

"Oh my god" Samia said while holding her hand to her chest and breathing heavily

"What the-" Aaleeyah said while also breathing heavily

But then the thunder cut her off


"Okayyyyy ,Jesus!" She said

We all got up out the tent in our socks.

The lights in the gym were off besides one row so we bought our flashlights with us just incase

I looked at the clock

It was 3:15 in the morning

Like really

We all walked over to a door in the gym that goes outside, a little part of it isn't completely boarded up so we looked out of it

It was flooding like the school was in a lake or something ! If someone ever opens a door that goes outside, a whole lot of water would just flow inside

We all stared in disbelief

There was lightning and thunder every 2 minutes

A lot of people started waking up from the storm and came look out the door too, soon it became a little crowded by the door

"Well seems like half of the school is awake now" Anthony said

"Yup, doubt we're going to be able to go back to sleep now" Jaden said

We turned around and all went back to the tent and laid on a blanket in front of it
And we all just laid there on the blanket for a while knowing we not going back to sleep

Aaleeyah Pov

The weather has been TERRIBLE all day like really

We are all still laying on the big blanket in front of the tent

I noticed Anthony  was gone ,don't know where he went

"Going to the bathroom down the hall since the ones in the locker rooms crowded right now" I said

I started walking out the gym and to the bathrooms around the corner from the gym

All of a sudden there was a big boom and the lights went out

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