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♛Samia Pov♛

"Everyone playing ,down here on the court!" Coach Jackson said

I stood up
"Ya'll coming?" I asked the others

Ben, Tayvion, Anthony, Kmury, Jaden, Aaleeyah, Amber, Miracle, and India all stood up.

We walked down the bleachers and on to the court
"Come to these boxes and get some glow stuff to wear" Coach Washington said

I grabbed a glow necklace, 3 bracelets, and a glowing headband

Everyone else grabbed some things too

"Boys on the front side of the court, Girls on the back!" Coach Jackson said

We separated then I noticed there was a box by the wall the girls were in front of, same for boys.

♚Aaleeyah Pov♚

Oh my god
Oh my god
Oh my god

So Coach Jackson and Washington just explained
How this works and
Every Girl has to put this glowing green cloth through a front belt loop of their pants

The boys had to do the same with a glowing blue cloth

Now the boys have to try and grab the green cloth from a girl and the girls have to try and grab the blue cloth from a boy

Now when your cloth is stolen , you're out

And the girls have to put all the glowing blue cloths they get into this little brown box by the wall in the back of the gym which is like the girls base, the bogs can't cross the line before the box

Boys do the same, all the green cloths they collect go into a little brown box by the wall in the front of the gym , and the girls can't cross the line before the boy's box

Girls standing next to their box in the back of court right now , boys at front of court,
-------*(after practice rounds with just girls and just boys)*

Awww lawd why Anthony lookin at me like that

I don't like that look on his face

"Ready!" Coach Jackson said

Awww lawd Anthony facing me

"Set!" The few lights that were on went back off and the only lights was from spaces between boarded up doors and windows ad all this glow stuff people had on .AW LAWD

"GLOW!" (Signal in glow tag to go)


☆Tayvion Pov☆

"I'm going after one specific person , lets see how fast she could run , this gonna be funnyyyy" Anthony laughed and laughed at his plan

I looked at Amber , she turned around and my eyes met hers

She smirked like 😏
and glared at me

I smirked back at her
and pointed at her

(now this is after Coach Jackson said "GO!")

I ran directly towards Amber and she just stood there

What is she doing?

✧Miracle Pov✧

Oh lord
Kmury running behind me and I'm running for my life

♡Samia Pov♡

Ben started running towards me so I ran to the left and he was coming In front of me so when he got close I
reached out and grabbed his cloth and swerved around him

"Guh"He stood there looking shocked

"HaHaaaaaaaa" I just laughed and ran off to put his cloth in a box
I heard him say "I am gonna get you back!" But I kept walking

✮Amber Pov✮

I just stood there , in the dark, letting Tayvion run closer and closer to me

He ran up to me and I swerved to the right while grabbing his cloth

His mouth dropped open as he realized what just happened and I looked down at his cloth in my hand

"Aahh! I feel so proud" i cheered at myself and out the cloth in my box and gave Tayvion a high five as he went sit out

☼India Pov☼

Me and Jaden were face to face now

I tried to run the left but then he jumped to the left too
I tried to run to the right
He jumped to the right
All you could hear was us heavily breathing and our shoes squeaking across the gym floor from trying to move quickly

I looked down he had his cloth on his left front belt loop ,probably trying to trick people but I got him

My cloth is on my right

All of a sudden at the same time we both reached down and grabbed each others cloths

We put them in each others faces and then we both realized we are out and we bust out laughing


◈Kmury Pov◈

Coach Jackson blew her whistle to tell that the practice round was over and to stop

I was still running after Miracle , I never caught her cloth and she never got mine because she was to busy running away , I guess since she's so short she can move really quickly

I was close up right behind Miracle when the game stopped and I stopped running and she did too but she turned around and was about to run back to the girls side but she didn't know I was right behind her and she tripped over my shoes but I caught her before her face hit the floor

I raised her back up and she was looking at me and breathing heavily

"You okay?" I asked her

"Yeah! Thank you! My face woulda been gone if you didn't catch me!" She said "whew"

"Break time" Coach Jackson said and everyone went sit on the too rows of the bleachers because they were moved up a few rows to give us more room to play glow tag

And just to think that was only the practice round

HEYYYYYY long time no see srry i havnt been upating a lot
School and stuff but its the weekend thank god
This chapter is 911 words!
(Not including the authors note)

Lol Okay bye ✌🏾️😜🙌🏾👏🏾😹😂😭😝💜💎💙😝😝😝💯✨😻🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈

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