Ahh I see whats going on

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|Day Katherine Arrives|

Aaleeyah Pov

We woke up at 10:00 this morning .When we woke up the sky was black, The wind was really really really strong and it was raining the hardest I have ever seen in my life

We all got up still in our Pajamas and we looked out one of the gym doors that wasn't completely covered up with wood


"Oh My God"

"It's dark but it's 10 AM"

"Katherine is here"

"I can't believe it"

We all said something

We all grabbed some microwave breakfast sandwiches from the mini freezer/fridge that our Gym coach Ms.Butler bought us since we were sharing the tent and food and we needed somewhere to keep it in our tent thank her for that

We walked across the hall to the cafeteria and went got in line for the microwaves since the school bought more for everyone to use

Jaden,Anthony, Kmury,Tayvion,and Ben all said hey to us and we all sat together in the cafeteria and ate

"The sky is freaking me out yall" Jaden said


We all jumped and continued to eat breakfast while talking about the crazy weather

"This is only day one of Katherine , this is ridiculous!" Miracle said

We all agreed and went back to the gym

The boys went to their area and we all went to our tent to grab some clothes and to change

After changing we all decided to go see what was going on in the classrooms because it was pretty loud and noisy down the hallway ,probably people freaking out

Aaleeyah Pov

We went to the classrooms and we decided to go into our ELA classroom since thats where a lot of people were.

Being me I decided to make some noise

I walked in


Everybody jumped and looked at me

"Jesus Aaleeyah you as loud as the thunder" Somebody said

"You make noise all night and day"someone else said

"Lord you scared me I almost fell out my chair"somebody said

"Heheheheh" I laughed

All of sudden there was a lot of noise coming from the front of the school

We left out the room and walked to the end of the hallway.

"Oh!"I said

I slipped and knocked Miracle, India, Amber, and Samia all over , they were standing next to me

I panicked and tried to grab onto something to pull my self up but there was nothing to grab it was happening so fast

I panicked and closed my eyes

I never hit the floor though

"Yall can open your yall eyes now." I heard a voice say

I opened my eyes and saw Anthony looking right into my eyes

I sighed in relief and looked around me, the girls I knocked over never hit the floor either. Wait , Anthony just caught me ... Oh my god!

Tayvion, Anthony, Kmury, Jaden, and Ben were all holding us up and carefully trying to get us up with out us slipping again

I noticed
Tayvion was behind Amber,
Anthony was behind me,
Jaden was behind India,
Kmury was behind Miracle
And Ben was behind Samia.

Oh and I also noticed we were standing in water

The boys helped us up and I looked down

I slipped in water and it was all coming from the front doors of the school which was near the end of the hallway we were in

"Thanks for helping us up" I said

"Yeah thank you" the other said

"Your welcome" the boys said

Ms. Dawn came on the intercom "Please be careful when coming down the main hall and the front of the school , there is water coming in from outside through the bottom of the doors, we did not expect it to get this bad sorry." And the intercom went off

Tayvion Pov

Me and the boys were in the front of the school when water started coming in

"Whoa" Anthony said and backed away from the doors

"What the" Ben said

We all turned and saw the girls coming down the hallway and Aaleeyah slipped and Anthony hurried over to her and caught her , but she also pulled the other girls down on accident and Ben ran to catch Samia
Kmury ran to catch Miracle
Jaden ran to catch India
And if course I ran to catch Amber...........ok maybe I do like her, well at least we're friends right now , thats good

All of the boys ran to catch a certain girl..... Ahhhh I see whats going on

"Lets all go back to the gym and do something I dont know." Jaden suggested

We all agreed and went to the gym

Amber Pov

Awww Tayvion just caught me , he's sooooo sweet

"Yall wanna come inside the tent and watch movies?"I asked the boys once we were inside the gym

"Sure" They all agreed

We all went inside the awesome 5 house and India turned on the projector.We all agreed to watch "Grown ups 2"

"We only have 5 back pillows so I guess... We could share?" India said

Tayvion sat next to me , Anthony sat next to Aaleeyah, Jaden sat next to India, Kmury sat next to Miracle and Ben sat next to Samia

Ahhhhh....I see whats going on

Samia turned off the fairy lights and the movie started

I felt so relaxed sitting next to Tayvion
(A while later)

"I forgot my bow in the classroom when I was trying to make it straight , I'll be right back" I told them and left the tent

I went carefully through the water and down the hallway to the classroom, there were people inside sleeping and quietly watching a movie so I quickly got my bow off the desk I was sitting in and left

I decided to go further down the hallway to go to the restrooms which was further at the end of the halls

I walked further and then turned left to the short hallway with the restrooms and then someone pushed me against the wall

"Look I don't know why Tayvion acting all nice and sweet and caring about you but it's not real it never will be ok he is just faking to impress some other girl he likes probably me !" Alexis said as got all up in my face

Did she really just do that? Hold up. Wait till my squad get down here and show her who she messing with

I took my phone out my pocket and went to IMessages and sent a text in a group chat with Samia, Miracle, Aaleeyah, And India and sent : "Code Al" which meant Alexis was messing with me.

"I am talking to you ! So get off your fake phone and listen to me cause I am the boss around here you gon' learn today!" Alexis said getting all up in my face and personal space again


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